
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, December 4, 2009

A Tag from Hannah

Hannah did this tag on her blog, and I enjoyed reading it, so I decided to do it too!

1) Why do you have a blog?
Because I wanted an easier way to record my personal thoughts, feelings, and activities than pen and paper (my hand gets to aching when I write a long time, and when I get "into it", I get into it ;D !) But I have recieved many unexpected blessings from blogging, such as being encouraged from reading the blogs of so many other Godly young people who are out there! It has really strengthened my faith - we are not alone!

2) Do you have more close online friends or offline?

3) Do you correspond?
Yes! I love to get and send 'snail mail', just seems like I don't have alot of time to devote to it! :/

4) Do you have a best friend?
I have several very close and dear friends... I don't know that I have a "best" human friend, though. More and more I am coming to realize that Jesus is truly my "best friend". He's the only one who knows all about me - my faults, my strengths, my loves - I can talk to Him about anything and He listens, cares, and then does something about it!

5) Do you play April Fools Day pranks?
I think once I did (I told my sister there was a snake in the bathroom, or something like that, but I couldn't keep my face straight, and she saw right through it :] ), but usually I don't even remember that it is April Fools' Day!

6) Have you watched a movie and then regretted it?
Many times. :""( Our family is always looking for good movies, and so many times a family member or friend will say, "This or that movie is so good!" and then we watch it, and we're like "UHGG! This isn't a good movie!" We've got to where we hardly watch anything unless it's something we know is fit to spend precious time on. (We did recently watch two new movies, one called "Come What May", and the other one I first heard about on Cora's blog called "The Widow's Might". Both were made by groups of homeschoolers, and were not dissapointing! I guess The Widow's Might might could be considered better, in that the women and girls were dressed how I would consider to be completely modest, whereas a couple of times women wore pants and sleeveless tops in "Come What May". Otherwise, I would unashamedly and highly recommend both movies)

7) Do you generally prefer books or their movie adaptions?
As a general rule, definitly books! Although there are a few where I enjoyed both equally, even though they were slightly different ("Johnny Tremain" for example)

8) How many siblings do you have?
>Sniff< Just one... I always wished there were more!

9) Do you want more?
Yes, but aside from a miracle, I don't think that wish will come true. I've settled for friends and cousins that are my "adopted" brothers and sisters :)!

10) Do you have any married siblings?

11) What is your favorite branch of the military?
Marines!! Semper Fidelis! (We have many friends and/or relatives in the Marines, and also I have just always been fascinated with the Marines for some reason - Just on a side note though, and to make myself quite understood ( ;) ), I DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES believe it is right for women to be in the millitary!)

12) What do you hate most in books/movies?
Ungodly ideas, words, or actions.

13) If you had to name just one book (other than the Bible) to call your favorite, what would it be?
WOW! That is HARD! :) I have four or five really favorite favorites... It'd be too hard to settle on just one, I think... Look at my bookshelf! :)

14) What book/series/movie have you been the most wrapped up in?
Ever? Or recently?
Books: Ever, probably The Chronicles of Narnia, or Not My Will, more recently, the Red Rock Mystery Series (by Jerry Jenkins and Chris Fabry), though I haven't really gotten to read 'for pleasure' in a while.
Movies: Fireproof!

15) What music are you listening to right now?
Right this minute, none. But my favorite is Southern Gospel, quartet style, or Scottish/Irish hymns

16) What are you having for dinner?
Left overs from when the Thanksgiving crowd was here: a hotdog and the last bun! ;D (we believe simple is best when you have a ton of people, and it's not the "main" meal, i.e. Thanksgiving dinner ;) ) And an apple, some raisins, tortilla chips, and water.

I'll close with what Hannah said: If you would like to do this tag, just leave a comment on my blog telling me you did it, so that way I can come and read yours! :D


Hannah said...

I enjoyed reading this Kyrie!

Cora Beth said...

I also very much enjoyed reading this and getting to know you better!

I was updating my blog a little bit this morning and added your blog to my favorite blogs list... Just thought I'd let you know. :)

May God bless you with a lovely weekend~