This page will be where I jot down some of the simple little things in my life that have become great blessings. I was inspired to do this by this blogger and her "Things To Be Happy About" posts.
They are not in order of importance, but in order of when they come to notice. I plan to continually be adding to the list.
1. Paper raindrop garlands in windows.
2. The sound of the central heating unit chugging to life in cool weather.
3. When someone smiles at you, and you know they're not just being polite - they really mean it.
4. Healthy home-made chocolate milkshakes on Sunday mornings.
5. My refurbished iPod Classic, that I purchased for a fraction of the 'brand new' price, and was filled with music by a kind friend.
6. Fresh wildflowers in glass jars.
7. Balls of twine.
8. The satisfied feeling after finishing a good book.
9. Hand-made cards.
10. A bright blue and green-ringed saucer with slices of Cheddar cheese arranged on it.
11. Plaid button-up shirts.
12. Grilled-cheese sandwiches.
13. Black rubber farm work boots.
14. 'Adopted' brothers.
15. Just-for-fun games of Ultimate Frisbee.
16. Blank notebooks.
17. Mechanical pencils.
18. Vintage-style parties.
19. Hot showers.
20. Hand-made quilts.
21. Rainy days.
22. Pastures dotted with fresh-rolled hay bales.
23. Blueberry seeds.
24. Fresh-peeled oranges.
25. People who can make their eyes twinkle.
26. Church gatherings.
27. Going barefoot.
28. The smell of paper.
29. Second chances.
30. Superglue.
31. Blogging.
32. Answered prayers.
33. My 'Tidbits from Life' journal.
34. Inside jokes.
35. Water fights on hot afternoons.
36. Sincere compliments.
37. Being on time (or better yet, early).
38. Late-night showers.
39. Catching up with old friends.
40. Being missed.
41. Having a clear conscience.
42. Discovering great songs.
43. Kids sitting in bookstores reading.
44. Country breakfasts.
45. Being confident for the right reasons.
46. Clean sheets.
47. Re-reading old messages.
48. Andy Williams singing "O Holy Night".
49. When you twist an apple stem and it pulls out clean instead of splitting.
50. Deserts with Oreos in them.
51. Hourglasses.
52. When a priceless moment is captured on film.
53. Heaters in cold bathrooms.
54. When people with dimples smile.
55. Lying in bed during a storm at night, seeing lightning flash outside the window, and hearing the thunder rumble and the rain beat on the roof.
56. Candles.
57. When people keep their word.
58. Non-awkward silences.
59. Scottish accents.
60. Curly braces. (These things --> { })
61. Prayer walks.
62. Brand new crayons.
63. Wrens.
64. Young people who are tan and well-muscled and healthy from working hard in the sun.
65. Coffitivity.
66. Kids' old-fashioned lemonade stands.
67. Fuzzy scarves.
68. Hard-wood floors.
69. Waking up in the middle of the night and realizing there are still hours left to sleep.
70. Vintage cameras that still work.
71. No-fuss outfits.
72. Fuzzy stickers.
73. Finding out the name of a song that was stuck in my head.
74. Laughing so hard I cry/my stomach hurts.
75. Getting to sleep in.
76. Compliments from little kids.
77. Not having school work.
78. Galvanized metal garbage cans.
79. Moss.
80. Afternoon naps during thunderstorms.
81. Graduation.
82. Summer-forest eyes.
83. Restored relationships.
84. Unpopped bubble wrap.
85. Suitcases with wheels.
86. Drive-thrus.
87. Smiling old people.
88. Christmas.
89. Loyal pets.
90. Hand-me-downs.
91. Left-overs.
92. Erasers, White-Out, and back-space buttons.
93. Rainy Mood.
94. Satisfying sneezes.
95. Bendable straws.
96. Bicycle rides at night in the country.
97. Bed-and-breakfast inns.
98. The smell of shaving cream.
99. Blood and/or organ donors.
100. Honey farms.
101. Toe socks.
"Everything that exists in the world, including each life, is really only a pattern of light and darkness." -Anon.
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.