
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, February 25, 2011

Got Away With That One!

"One day, I got a wed fathe, and Miz. Gway fo'got to paddol me! *Snickers* Ah'm weally glad abou' that!"

One of my little after-schoolers said this when she and another little student were discussing the difference in what the penalties are when they get a green "face" for the day, a yellow, an orange, or a red. I think she learned her lesson though; the lack of a spanking seemed to impress her as much as getting one would have!
The kids are always doing or saying such cute things! I wish I could remember them all. I love my job :) !

Influence And Oreos

Thank you Trissy. It's just what I needed - and right then.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Purple Memories

Spring is definitely moving in our direction! For the past couple of weeks, we have had nothing but sun (well, ok, we did have a drizzle ONE day), fresh wind, and 70-degree weather.

Sunday, as is the norm., we went up the road to eat Sunday dinner with the Grandparents. As we drove up and got out of our car, we were delighted with the beautiful patches of brilliant purple flowers in their yard. The picture below really doesn't do the effect justice, but this is one of the patches (click on the image to view it larger).

This is what the flowers/weeds look like up close. Does anyone know it's name?
All the cousins have been fascinated with these flowers as they've grown up, and I'm sure the little juice cups in the Grandmother's cabinet have held literally thousands of these little purple blooms over the years.

{This post posted in loving honor of Trissy and Uncle Alvin's two youngest daughters - Jaylyn and Jewel - and in memory of the countless hours making mudpies under the pecan trees. I love you!}

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thoughts On: Blogging

What is the purpose of blogging? What do people hope to accomplish? Why do they spend so much time on it?

For several weeks, I have been thinking about these and other questions regarding blogging.

What has really been bugging me, is when people let their followers dictate when they post, what they post, and how they post.
It seems sad when I read people apologizing because they haven't posted in two days. Really?! Two Days! Unless you promised something, it's not a big deal if you don't post every day. If your readers are any kind of friends, they will still be there when you get back. If you are a good writer, especially. It's not about how often you write, but about the quality of your writing when you do...

Why did you start blogging in the first place? Was it to gain followers? If so, why? What is the purpose of having a bunch of followers just for the sake of having them?

According to Wikipedia, "The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives."

What happened to that?

Some people blog because they have something to say, and a blog is the easiest way to get it out there. Ideas or opinions on political issues, documenting experiments, or posting helpful tutorials for others to enjoy. Quilting diaries, photography blogs, or businesses.

But why post for the sole purpose of keeping people reading?

I don't know, it just doesn't seem to make sense.

My blog is just an online journal. It's where I record things I want to remember about my life, as I live it. I originally started it because there were changes happening in my life, and I wanted to remember the details about the amazing journey the Lord was taking my family on. I wanted my journal in a place where it wouldn't get lost, and where it would be safe in the event of some unforeseen local disaster like a hurricane or fire. So, the logical answer was the internet. A blog.
And to be honest, I hoped no one would find it. I didn't really care if they did - I wasn't going to post anything I would be ashamed of other people reading, I just didn't think anything I was going to be saying would mean much (if anything) to anyone else, and I wanted to be able to be 'real' without people judging me. Plus, I love to write, and it would be good practice.
Along the way, I have met several dear, good, friends - other Christian young people and adults, who have encouraged me in so many ways. Now I am kind of glad other people decided to read my blog - I got to meet them that way!
I've been told by some of them (and if it is indeed true, I thank the Lord!) that I have been an encouragement to them as well.
I know people are reading, no matter how small the number, so when I post, I try to be as interesting as I can and post things I think would be beneficial to others, not just for myself. I don't always succeed (at least with the 'being interesting' part :) ), but it just seems courteous. If someone is going to honor you by reading what you're writing, why not make it a good experience?
So my purposes for blogging have broadened somewhat since I started out, but my basic purpose stays the same: to record my life so that I can look back along the journey and visibly trace the Lord's hand at work in it.
Thank you for taking the journey with me.

Note: Since this post, I created a page explaining more about why I blog. You can visit it HERE.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Influence And White Carnations

Sometimes it's just those little things that mean the most - that make the difference between life and existence, happiness and ho-hum-ness, success and mediocrity.
Little things like a kind word, a smile, or a white carnation.

I used to wonder if I had any impact, any influence on the people around me. Now, you may think, "That's silly! Every person's life affects someone else's!" and yes, that's true. Because of me, my Mom had one more person to cook for, one more batch of laundry to do. My sister had someone to nag her, my dad had another reason to work long hours. But I longed to be a positive influence in someone's life. Sermons and lessons of other types, stressed the fact that 'someone is watching what you do, and then acts accordingly; someone follows your example; someone is influenced by who you are'. But (at least in my own mind) I had no one. No one looked up to me, no one admired me, no one based their decisions on what they thought I would or would not do. Or so I thought. Looking back, I've realized how foolish I was. My sister (though of course we experienced the normal amount of conflict and challenges) adored me, my parents' lives could be made easier or harder depending on how I acted, the Christian clerk or shopper in Wal*Mart could be encouraged by seeing a well-behaved child. Just because I had no 'friends', because my little corner of the world was made up of just a handful of people, meant in no way that I didn't have influence; it just meant my influence was effective on a handful of people instead of a crowd, on my relatives and close relations instead of 'friends' and peers.

All that being said, as life has progressed, the Lord has brought into my life people who, at the time of my life I described above, would have seemed like 'prime targets' for my influence. Perhaps He waited intentionally for me to gain a little wisdom and experience before He 'trusted' me with someone!

At the church we were at before this one, I was a huge influence on the other children, and I knew it. And, I tried to act accordingly. It was a very small church, and I was the oldest of the group that could be considered the 'young people'. Our ages ranged from about 2 to 13. Those little kids looked up to me. Especially one, who I consider my 'adopted' little brother (one of my best friends in the world, despite the almost 10 years difference in our ages). One either Sunday or Wednesday night we were out behind the church playing tag or cowboys-and-indians or some other role-playing game (the kids would all play outside while the adults visited after church). I remember we were walking along beside the church building, deep in some adventure, when out of the blue my young friend asked me (and I quote), "You're like Jesus, aren't you?" It was more of a statement, than a question.
I was young, but I caught a glimpse of the enormity of that question, and answered as best I could, that, well, I wanted to be like Him.
But I realized, perhaps for the first time, what an impact I had on the life of that young person, anyway, if on no one else in the world.
So many times in the years that have passed, as we have both gotten older, I have wanted to ask him what he meant by that question. Like Jesus how? The way I loved the 'children', like He did? The way I unselfishly played endless hours' worth of games with them, even though I was so much older than the rest of the group? The way I tried to live, as an example? What was his little-boy question really wanting to know?
I suppose he probably does not even remember asking. That was so long ago, and any amount of time is automatically made longer in one's mind, the younger they are. And he was very young. But that question has inspired me, encouraged me, and challenged me, all these years.

This past Sunday I was reminded again, tangibly, of the influence I have as a young adult, over the younger children at Victory Rd.. I'm in a hard-to-define, but deffinitly existent, category: Not quite an 'adult', but still very grown up, in their minds, I'm sure (I remember when 6th grade was grown, 17 was the ultimate, and I'm older than that now ;) !). It is the perfect category to be in to have a dramatic influence on the 10-14 age range.
Both of Archer's younger sisters fall into that range.
My whole family loves the whole S. family, and they love us. But the two little sisters are very attentive to what Trissy and I do. Little things, numerous things, that it would take to long to try to record, have built a strange but strong friendship between us.
None of the S. family members have very dramatic personalities, and the youngest, Piper, probably the least of all. When she does something, she doesn't make a big deal about it. When she offers herself, she doesn't explain, but innocently expects you to understand her heart.
For special occasions such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, or Valentines, a group of the church ladies takes 'orders' for carnations. Someone can 'buy' a carnation in honor or in memory of a family member, and the proceeds go to help missions. The carnations then make the flower arrangement for the Sunday morning of the occasion, and that night, everyone gets to take the carnations they ordered home with them Sunday evening after church.
The florist got the order mixed up for us, so the Valentine's carnations weren't ready until just this past Sunday, instead of the Sunday before Valentines.
So, Sunday evening, Trissy and I were out in the foyer area, watching and visiting with various people as we milled about after church, carnations in hand.
Suddenly, Piper was at my elbow.
"Hey Piper!" I said, and reached out to hug her, for though she is so reserved, she always hugs me whenever we meet. But this time, instead of a hug, she had something else.
"This is for you." And she held out a white carnation. It was so sweet and simple and sincere, I almost cried when I realized there was nothing I could say to express how much the gesture meant to me. She turned to Trissy, "And this is for you." and gave her a red one. As we tried to express our thanks, she just smiled her funny little Archer-style smile and without another word, melted back into the crowd of people.
On the way back from church that night, Trissy and I wondered what had made her do it. Had someone had extra flowers, given her some, and she decided to share them? What made her share some with us? Had she 'bought' them for the Valentine's bouquet, specifically for us? Why? Had someone else wanted us to have them, and asked her to deliver them?
But no, I don't think that last one. They were from her. You could tell by the look on her face.
Anyway, her reasons don't really matter. All that matters is that her sweet little heart found something in us that meant something to her, and she wanted to express her love.

I don't think she will ever know what that white carnation means to me.

But if anyone is reading this, DO NOT think you have no influence. No matter who you are, even if you are an invalid who cannot get out of your house, you affect another life. If nothing else, your heart could be right before the Lord, which could cause you to pray for someone, which will accomplish great work in their life. Some of you have an audience of hundreds. Just remember that with great power comes great responsibility.

May the Lord guide and help me as I live before watching young eyes.

Here is an excellent post by another blogger on this subject.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Keep It Classy - Modest Fashion Week Day 6 - Friday

Day six! It was rainy and misty today, but we snuck out and managed to snap a couple of quick pictures anyway :D !


Denim Jacket (Same one from Wednesday. Oh, how I LOVE my denim jacket!): Birthday (2005) from Dad and Mom
Turquoise Knit Sleeveless Top (Same one from Thursday. Note: I only wear sleeveless shirts if I have something else on top for sleeves): Belk's for less than $6
Caramel-Brown Corduroy Skirt: Christmas 2007 (?) from Dad and Mom
Cowboy Boots (my first pair since I was five! I LOVE MY COWBOY BOOTS! Can you tell? ;D): Christmas 2009 from Dad and Mom


Green Jacket: Borrowed from me (Dirt Cheap for about $2, I think)
Purple Long-Sleeved Knit Shirt: JCPenney's for about $5
Hand-Beaded Necklace (Same one from Thursday): A graduation gift from a little 10-year-old friend in another state
Black Knit Skirt: Um, consignment shop?
Black Shoes: Gotta ask her (will fill in later - I'm trying to get this done so I can link up!)

Ok y'all - only one day left!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Keep It Classy - Modest Fashion Week Day 5 - Thursday

Day five of Bramblewood Fashion's Modest Fashion Week.


Turquoise Sleeveless Knit Shirt: Belk's for less than $6
Pale Blue Mint Shirt (I wear this shirt all the time in the summer for several reasons. 1) It's decent! 2) I love the color 3) It's cool in hot weather and 4) It hasn't got to be ironed! Just mist with water and hang up to dry! Doesn't get any better!): Yard Sale for $.50! (Can you beat that?!)
Denim Skirt (another one I wear all the time): Less than $5 from our local consignment shop
Slide-In Dark-Sand Sandals: Hand-me-downs from the same lady at church who gave me Monday's sandals


I've got to get the details on her outfit later.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Literary Blog Party

{Note: This post is incomplete. Please wait to read it until I have time to finish filling out the questions. Unless of course you're the type that's GOT to go through with something once it's within your grasp...
Just bear in mind there's alot missing still.}

I had a few free minutes today, so decided to go blog-hopping :). In my wandering, I found a blog that is hosting a 'blog party' of sorts, with a questionair on the reader's literary opinions. Click here to read the whole post. I decided to join in because I LOVE books/reading and I like random, trivia, 'about me'-type events and things (both to be a contributor to, and an observer of others' contributions).
So, here goes.

•What, to you, forms the essence of a true heroine?

A faith in Christ so strong that it dictates everything she does and how she reacts to every situation - no matter how small or how great.
(By the way, if anyone knows the name of this painting, please let me know)

•Share (up to) four heroines of literature that you most admire and relate to.

1) Kirsten from George MacDonald's "Heather and Snow"

•Five of your favorite historical-fiction novels?

1) Little Men
2) The Scarlet Pimpernel
3) Tree of Freedom
4) Johnny Tremain

•Out of those five books who is your favorite character and why?

Oooh, that's difficult. But probably, if I really HAD to say, it would probably be Dan from Little Men. Why? Well, I think of all the characters I've met in the hundreds of books I've read, Dan has been the one I've understood and related to the most - we are so much alike.

•If you were to plan out your dream vacation, where would you travel to - and what would you plan to do there?

The highlands of Scotland. I would take a few of my favorite George MacDonald books and a couple of others in a leather messenger bag, a lunch, and a camera, and treck the hills the whole time. Well, I would like to visit Banockburn too.

•What is your favorite time period and culture to read about?

Wow, pretty much anything historical. I'm especially fascinated with American and Scottish history. I love historical fiction written from a Christian point of view.

•You have been invited to perform at the local charity concert. Singing, comedy,
recitation - what is your act comprised of?

Recitation. I'm horrible at 'planned' comedy - though I've been pleasantly surprised at how easily I keep my friends in a state of spontaneous merriment, just by being myself around them! I enjoy memorization, and would probably quote some of my favorite Scripture pasages and/or a few selections from my favorite books and poems.

•If you were to attend a party where each guest was to portray a heroine of literature, who would you select to represent?

Kirsten from George MacDonald's "Heather and Snow"

•What are your sentiments on the subject of chocolate?

It's nice, but not something I can't live without.

•Favorite author(s)?

C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia are hands-down some of the best books I've EVER read - and I've read alot of books), George MacDonald,

•As a small, imaginative, red-haired damsel might query; would you rather be divinely beautiful, dazzlingly clever, or angelically good?

Well, good. I'm not sure about the 'angelically' part. Is that even an appropriate adjective in this case? I mean, the angels really don't have a say in what they do or are... anyway...
Just something to think about. I had to throw it in ;)


Why did I have to throw it in? Oh! Why did I pick 'good'. Gotcha.
Ok, well

•In which century were most of the books you read written?

Hmmm, not sure!

•In your opinion, the ultimate hero in literature is…

•Describe your ideal dwelling place.

•Have you ever wanted to change a character’s name?

Ha! Yes! Several times.

• In your opinion, the most dastardly villain of all literature is...

•Three favorite Non-fiction books?

1) The Bible - KJV (no offense to the non-KJVers, it's just my preference)
2) "Do Hard Things" by Alex Harris and Brett Harris
3) "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom

•Your duties met for the day, how would you choose to spend a carefree summer afternoon?

•Create a verbal sketch of your dream hat - in such a way as will best portray your true character.

My dream HAT?! Um, well, ok...

•Share the most significant event(s) that have marked your life in the past year.

•Share the Bible passage(s) that have been most inspiring to you recently.

•And lastly, as I am a rather businesslike hostess, may I ask you your views regarding those adorable little items - namely pin back and mirror back buttons? 1). Where would you choose to display a button badge to best showcase your unique style?
2). What image and/or sentiment would most make you smile were it inscribed on your very own compact mirror?

Keeping it Classy - Modest Fashion Week Day 4 - Wednesday

Day four of Bramblewood Fashion's "Keep It Classy - Modest Fashion Week"!


Red Dotted-Paisley Knit Shirt: Kohl's (I think)
Beige Skirt: JCPenney's, about $15
Sand-Colored Sandals: Don't remember, had them a long time though
Denim Jacket (I LOVE my denim jacket): Birthday 2005 from Dad and Mom

And yes, in case you hadn't noticed, I'm in a hurry, so I'm just including the bare minimum for now, and fill in more later.


Navy And White Striped 'Sailor' Sweater: Dirt Cheap
Navy Skirt: JCPenney's (same style as my beige one - got them at the same time)
Black Loafer-Style Shoes (same as from Monday): JCPenney's

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Keeping it Classy - Modest Fashion Week Day 3 - Tuesday

Day three of the Bramblewood Fashion "Keeping It Classy" Modest Fashion Week!


Gray T-Shirt (under sweater - if you look close you can see it's collar around the throat of the sweater): Wal*Mart at the end of the season for either $1, or $1.50, I can't remember for sure which
Navy Cotton Pull-Over Sweater (I love this sweater. I hardly wear it though because 1) I'm so hot-natured it's hardly ever cold enough; and 2) I love it so much I don't want to wear it out! I call it my "Peter sweater"*. Long story. Yes, I know, another of my 'long stories'. [Maybe] One day I'll tell them all): JCPenney's on sale for $?
*Peter's not a real-life person, for the information of any of you who may be nosy or gossiply inclined.
Denim Skirt (a nice skirt, but the waist is huge on me, so I've got to wear a belt and pull it snug to fit LOL! We bought it at a time when I was desperately in 'need' of another denim skirt or two, and it was a good buy.): JCPenney's on sale for $15
Leather "Tooled" Belt: A local consignment shop for $.50 I think
Leather 'X' Sandals (great slide-ins and they've served me well for a number of years):


Trissy hasn't had a chance to write down all of her outfit specifics, so I'm just going to post mine, and our pictures, and then come back and fill in details later.

How Firm A Foundation

There just lacks a certain quality from so much of today's music, but that was the whole message of songs years ago. The writers often had personally gone through (or at least knew someone who had) many of the lessons and experiences they wrote about - that's why they wrote.

It is a family habit to, each morning (except for Sunday) right after breakfast, read the devotional for that day from the current "Our Daily Bread" booklet. At the end of each devotional, there is always a little thought or poem that summarizes the lesson. Today, the poem was a line from the great old hymn "How Firm A Foundation".

"When thru fi'ry trials, thy pathway shall lie, My Grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply. The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine."

Today was my turn to read the devotional out loud, and when I got to that little poem, it was all I could do to keep my voice from cracking. The hymn is extremely stirring and rich in meaning, but this particular section never fails to move me to tears. Even as I typed it just now.
How many times throughout the eons past, were men and women, children and old people, made heroes because of their willingness to go (literally) through the Refiner's fire? Heroes...

Did I say heroes?

Their names are not even known now. Many of them were only a face, or a number, even to the ones who sent them through the fires. Yet the reason they are heroes is not because men remember them - but because "their names [are] written in the Lamb's book of Life", and because they willingly submitted to His fashioning, purifying hand.

Many, many, times I have wondered if I will face this fire. The time is coming when it will no longer be 'safe' to say, "I believe Jesus" anywhere.
Will I flinch? Or will I go out singing, as so many of them did?

Oh how firm a Foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid on your faith in His excellent Word!

For those of you who may not be familiar with this great old hymn, I searched YouTube and found a video that, even though this version does not perhaps exhibit the power and potency of the music as it could, at least conveys the spiritual depth and meaning.

Soli Deo Gloria


Monday, February 14, 2011

Keeping it Classy - Modest Fashion Week Day 2 - Monday

Mom took pictures of me this morning before I left for school. My shirt and skirt are both cotton, so I wanted pictures before I got "rumpled" from riding to, then spending time in, school. Well, I was going to upload the pictures at school, but when I looked at them, they were really dark and grainy. *Sigh* So, I set the camera on the top of Tilly (my car :) ), set the timer, and ran away a good distance to let it take my picture. Well, apparently I ran a little too far, because by the time I cropped it down so you could see 'me', the photo ended up being grainy (and me looking 'rumpled') anyway! I didn't have any more time though (I had to get to the Academy to work), so this will just have to do :]


White Knit Sleeveless Shirt: Snitched from my Mom's closet :) Truthfully, I borrow it so much that I wear it more than she does! Don't remember (if I ever knew) where she got it, or how much she paid for it, but it's great to wear under other light-weight white shirts, or as an 'under' shirt with a button-up one.
Cobalt Blue Button-Up Shirt (I really like this shirt, except it's 100% cotton, and wrinkles up right away, as you can see): JCPenney's at the end of the season for about $5
Chocolate Button-Up Skirt (no pockets :/ - I live out of my pockets - otherwise a great skirt): A cousin's yard sale for $1
Tan Vintage Sandals (I love these sandals - the only problem is that the soles are so hard that my feet begin to hurt towards the end of the day): Hand-me-downs from a friend at church.


Dark Blue Knit Shirt: Hand-me-down to Trissy from me :) Don't remember where it originally came from
Dark Mint/Teal Blue (not really sure what color you'd call it, but it's a beautiful shade of blue) and Slate Blue Patterned Knit Shirt (she loves this shirt and wears it as much as she can get away with - she jokes that she doesn't know what she wore before she got it LOL!): JCPenney's on sale for about $7
Slate/Dark Powder Blue Sweater: From Dad and Mom. Don't remember what occasion.
Straight Navy Skirt: JCPenney's on sale for $?
Navy Knee Socks
Black Loafer-Style Shoes (I like these shoes on Trissy. They're nice and practical, but the tiny buckle-and-strap deal on the toes adds a nice touch.): JCPenney's on sale for $? (the box says originally $50, but I KNOW we didn't pay that much! LOL!)

As you might can see from our descriptions, we are firm believers in sewing, sales, consignment stores, and hand-me-downs!

'Til next time - Keep Looking Up!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Keeping It Classy - Modest Fashion Week Day 1 - Sunday

Well, recently I stumbled across a blog called Bramblewood Fashion. I don't remember just how I found it, but I have been keeping (well, trying to - I truly don't get much Blogging time) up with what Ashley and Gabrielle have had to say about 'fashion'.

One of the things that caught my attention was the promotion of a "Modest Fashion" Week in February. This event's purpose was to encourage modesty, while 'proving' that modest people haven't got to be 'frumpy'.
"Hmm, that looks interesting," I thought to myself :) , as well as being needed. I'm afraid the term "modest" has come to be synonimous with the word "frumpy" in the minds of many. So, while I claim to have no fashion sense of my own (my sister Trissy suggested several of my outfits for the week), I know the types of things I like to see on other people. I guess that's got to count for something! And Trissy is planning on joining in as much as she can. She doesn't have a blog, so her outfits will be posted on my blog.
Oh, one other 'clarification' - I do not have a good quality camera, so please bear this in mind when considering the 'photography' :)
Sooo, without further ado, our outfits for the first day of the 'Event (of course, being Sunday, we were dressed for church):


Yes, my stance does look a little strange... It was terribly windy, so I was trying to just get my skirt to hang straight long enough for Trissy to snap a decent picture! So no, my arms and back don't look this hunched and strange all the time...
Ok, my outfit:

White Blouse (I read somewhere that one of the essentials for a 'classy' wardrobe is a white button-up blouse - guess I'm off to a good start ;) !): JCPenny's during an end-of-the-season sale for $10-$12 I think.
Tan Knit Vest (It's really soft. Basically the only time I wear this vest is with this outfit. Trissy loves it when I do.): A local consignment shop for less than $5
Brown Paisley Wrap Skirt (I really love this skirt, but I 'ration' the amount I wear it, 'cause it has tiny little 'dashes' of copper glitter that I'm afraid will wash off the more it's washed... :) Yeah, I know, I'm extreme): Made by Mom, fabric from Wal*Mart I think from the $2/yard section
Embroidered Brown 'Mary-Jane' shoes (The last pair, and they happened to be just close enough to my size that I can stuff paper in the toes and still wear them ;D I LOVE these shoes! The embroidery and style just look 'Narnian' somehow ;) !): Wal*Mart for $11

Ok, now Trissy:

Silver Mother/Daugher Circle and Hearts Necklace: From Mom for Christmas 2010
Bright Blue Turtle-Neck Sweater and Plaid Skirt set: From Dad and Mom for Christmas (2008 I think)
Black Shoes: K-Mart maybe? It's been several years, but they've held up well and are Trissy's Sunday winter 'staples'.

Ok, well, there are our Day 1 outfits! Looking forward to the rest of the week!