For me, the reason to blog is pretty simple.
Some people blog to get followers. Just to warn you, I don't. It may sound harsh - though I certainly don't intend to sound so - but I blog for me. Anyone who wishes to join me on the journey is welcome to come along.
When I started this blog, it was at a crucial time in my life. I stood on the threshold of dramatic change. My world was about to become very different from the one I'd lived in up until that point, and I started this blog to record the journey. I had an inkling, but no real idea what an amazing, painful, wonderful roller-coaster ride it would be.
I believe the Lord put it in my heart to start recording at the time I did, or so many of the memories that I now so dearly treasure would have been lost.
I write to remember. To be able to look back at what has been (they say hindsight is 20/20), and marvel at what the Lord has done.
It is the story of my life since October of 2009.
This blog tells a story of victory, of pain, of shadows and Darkness and of glorious Light (hence it's name). Of the mundane and of the spectacular. Of singing to the Lord and of crying to Him. It's characters are every-day people, and yet unbelievably extraordinary. It's lessons are hard ones, sometimes, and yet the struggles are the kind that produce character and strength when they are finished.
Parts are boring. Maybe it's all boring to someone who has not lived it. To you, on the other side of cyberspace, who must suffer through my lack of writing skills, my long and often picture-less posts, my dramatic highs and extreme lows, and my lack of explanations for what I'm talking about, you may find me ridiculous, over-dramatic, wishy-washy, and too blunt, or just plain boring.
I hope it is not so, but if it is, please read, observe, and judge with respect - I have written what is in my heart. Things I never (or extremely rarely) would express out loud, I express here. I rarely sugar-coat anything, but have simply expressed my true feelings, told it like I've seen it, laughed over delights, and wept over sorrows. My heart is bared to the world if they care to see it; but, if you decide to turn away, I harbor no ill feelings.
My greatest joy for this journal would be that, through it, you would meet Jesus Christ, and take Him as your Savior and Lord. If it were not for Him, what a different, awful, story would be mine to tell!
"Everything that exists in the world, including each life, is really only a pattern of light and darkness." -Anon.
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.