
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving, and the events closely surrounding it

Last week we had mid-week services on Tuesday night instead of Wednesday, since Wed. was the day before Thanksgiving, and lots of people needed to be traveling. Trissy and I went to the ladies' class instead of our youth class, because the youth were having class outside as sort of a treat, but it was cold, and we have both been fighting sickness. I hated to miss ours, but the other one was good. Mrs. Sarah, Mrs. Shannen's sister taught it. She focused on Colossians 4:2. "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving." She had three thoughts on that verse. 1) "Devote yourselves to prayer" Devote is to commit oneself to. When we do not pray, rely on the LORD and are not thankful as we should be, it's an insult to the LORD who gives us each moment and every blessing we receive in our lives. We then are setting ourselves up for defeat and unfruitful lives. 2) "Watch in the same" Staying active and alerted to the need of prayer in our lives. When we are not watchful, we can find ourselves doing our own thing, and leaving prayer out. 3) "With thanksgiving" Keep an attitude of thanksgiving - being thankful and grateful to God. To be thankful also means to receive something as an expression of grace by someone and accept it as if one doesn't deserve it. We are thankful because of God's greatest gift - the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. I was glad we got in on that lesson! Mrs. Shannen usually teaches the ladies' class, but something came up, and she couldn't be there, so Mrs. Sarah did.

Thanksgiving went really well. Usually, all the family who can, meet at our grandparents house (they live just up the road from my family - we can walk slowly, and still get there in less than 5 miniutes) for the holidays, at least Thanksgiving. Some of our family came in Sunday night, and the rest Wednesday. Mom's youngest brother (Uncle David) and his family came in Sunday night. They are missionaries in South America, but are here visiting for a year. They plan to go back around Feb. or March. Since they got here so early in the week, Trissy and I had fun with our cousins picking up some more of the pecans that the LORD has showered down so plentifully in our grandparents' yard! After some really strong winds a few weeks ago, the picking was so easy! It was almost like you could scoop your hands in and fill up a gallon in no time.
Then Mom's brother and his family who live only about an hour away and her older sister and her family (who live in Texas) came in on Wednesday. Thursday the rest of the married grandkids and their families got there, and the good old house was bulging! It was good to have so many of the folks here all together for a while! Friday night we had a bonfire/hotdog roast up at our house for the ones who were still here, and it was cold! It was so much fun sitting around the fire after we ate, telling missionary stories, other stories, singing, and just enjoying each other's company!

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