
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, December 11, 2009

Bible Study and Choir Practice

Hello everyone!
Last night we had our college class Bible study, but had to cut it short again because Bro. Dennis asked the choir to meet at 6:30 for practice. Seems like we haven't had a regular Bible study for about a month and a half! The college class usually meets at 6:00 and goes 'til about 8:00, but it's just a week from Sunday that we are having our Christmas Sing, and the choir still needs practice! About half the young people who are in the college class are also in choir, so we had a short Bible study and then those of us who are singing went over to the auditorium, and the rest were going to stay and just fellowship a little while. We had a real good practice, even though there were several missing. I love being in the choir! I love to sing, and besides, there is just this spirit of fun and joy that fills the whole experience. Choir practice is always an Experience ;) !

After we finished, and everyone was beginning to leave, Bro. Dennis took some time to show Trissy and me some more about chords. Don't know if I've told about this yet, but during the summer we had a week-long old-fashioned singing school at the church, and it went so well and there was such interest shown, that Bro. Dennis and Mrs. Janet (Bro. Jack's wife) who are probably the most musically knowledgeable people in the church, decided that it would be good to have a Saturday every quarter set aside as a 'day-long' singing school/music seminar. We had one in October, and it was such fun! I feel like I learned so much just in that one day! Towards the end, someone asked a question about chords, and Bro. Dennis began explaining it then, but my head was already so full that I didn't absorb much, and he told us he would help us with it some more - he knows how much Trissy and I love Southern Gospel music. So anyway, last night he explained more of it to us and helped us work out some questions, and I think a little more soaked in. Bro. Dennis is such an encyclopedia when it comes to music (and alot of other things too, for that matter) !

Oh, and also at some point during the conversation he enthusiastically commented that he had really enjoyed being around Uncle David - so I guess they hit it off pretty good :). I was really glad, because Bro. Dennis has such a joyful spirit, and he shows it best by teasing and joking and sometimes I think that some people are kind of (with all due respect - some of these people are adults) 'stick-in-the-mud' Christians and maybe just haven't learned how to let the Joy of the Lord be their strength - they get their dander up or their feelings hurt when if they would just see the humor, their lives could be alot less sour! So I'm glad Bro. Dennis (and Uncle David too) had someone to tease who would just laugh and then throw it right back for a change! :D

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