
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, July 27, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 43

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. and 2. Sight and Hearing: Sunday Night College Fellowship

3. Smell: "Domain"

4. Taste: Jelly Roll And Vanilla Ice Cream

5. Touch: Hugs From A Returning Mission Trip Team

The stories behind the list:

1. and 2. Not sure if I've ever mentioned it before, but after church on Sunday nights, a bunch of us (eighteen through late twenties - I can't really say 'college age' any more; most of us are out of college now) get together at one of our houses for supper and fellowship. We take turns hosting and cooking each week, and it turns out to be pretty economical, and really enjoyable.
This past week was at the home of Aron's cousin and her husband. I don't know what was different, but the spirit was especially sweet that night. The traffic back and forth between the kitchen, the tiny dining room, and the living room was pretty much continuous. Conversations constantly changed participants, and topics ranged anywhere from bragging on the cooks, to the wonderful-ness of Legos. Ava was down visiting for the week-end, and towards the end of the evening several of the girls were in the living room talking wedding ideas, while the guys eventually migrated to the kitchen to hover over a chocolate cake with Cookies 'N' Cream/cream cheese icing and a pan of peanut butter bars with their own conversation. I sat in my chair and just soaked it up, delighting to hear the voices ebb and flow, rising and falling with excitement or thought, and to see dear faces with their bright eyes and matchless smiles. The moments were priceless.

3. I was cleaning out a drawer and found a tiny sample bottle of the Mary-Kay-produced men's cologne "Domain". Mom had gone to a friend's Mary Kay perfume party years ago, and brought back several samples. She'd gotten this one thinking Dad might would use it, but when I smelt it, I kindof claimed it for myself. Not to use, but it reminded me so strongly of some of the Godly men I knew, my heroes, that to open that tiny bottle, close my eyes, and breathe deep, took me back to preacher's conversations, church services, and gospel sings of years before - memories I hope will never be lost. I'd forgotten about that little bottle. I opened it, closed my eyes and breathed deep, and the memories flooded back; precious memories.

4. Several years ago, someone told Mom that if you have alot of figs and are tired of making fig jam and fig preserves, you can mash the figs, mix in a box of fruit-flavored Jell-O, and when you make the jam, it will taste like the fruit of the Jell-O. They were right. Nearly every year now we make batches of fig jam and mix strawberry Jell-O into some and peach Jell-O into some, and the finished jam tastes just like strawberry jam and peach jam. This year we tried pineapple and raspberry. The raspberry was our favorite though - so wonderful!
We made alot, so Trissy made a jelly roll with some of the fresh raspberry fig jam, and we had it with vanilla ice cream for desert at Sunday dinner. The jam had had a chance to soak into the roll just the right amount, and the ice cream was the finishing touch that made it absolutely unbelievable.

5. Monday a group from the church who had been on a two-week mission trip got back, and Mom and Trissy and I went to the church to be part of the group to welcome them back. They were tired but happy; so good to have them home.

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