
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thoughts On: Blogging

What is the purpose of blogging? What do people hope to accomplish? Why do they spend so much time on it?

For several weeks, I have been thinking about these and other questions regarding blogging.

What has really been bugging me, is when people let their followers dictate when they post, what they post, and how they post.
It seems sad when I read people apologizing because they haven't posted in two days. Really?! Two Days! Unless you promised something, it's not a big deal if you don't post every day. If your readers are any kind of friends, they will still be there when you get back. If you are a good writer, especially. It's not about how often you write, but about the quality of your writing when you do...

Why did you start blogging in the first place? Was it to gain followers? If so, why? What is the purpose of having a bunch of followers just for the sake of having them?

According to Wikipedia, "The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives."

What happened to that?

Some people blog because they have something to say, and a blog is the easiest way to get it out there. Ideas or opinions on political issues, documenting experiments, or posting helpful tutorials for others to enjoy. Quilting diaries, photography blogs, or businesses.

But why post for the sole purpose of keeping people reading?

I don't know, it just doesn't seem to make sense.

My blog is just an online journal. It's where I record things I want to remember about my life, as I live it. I originally started it because there were changes happening in my life, and I wanted to remember the details about the amazing journey the Lord was taking my family on. I wanted my journal in a place where it wouldn't get lost, and where it would be safe in the event of some unforeseen local disaster like a hurricane or fire. So, the logical answer was the internet. A blog.
And to be honest, I hoped no one would find it. I didn't really care if they did - I wasn't going to post anything I would be ashamed of other people reading, I just didn't think anything I was going to be saying would mean much (if anything) to anyone else, and I wanted to be able to be 'real' without people judging me. Plus, I love to write, and it would be good practice.
Along the way, I have met several dear, good, friends - other Christian young people and adults, who have encouraged me in so many ways. Now I am kind of glad other people decided to read my blog - I got to meet them that way!
I've been told by some of them (and if it is indeed true, I thank the Lord!) that I have been an encouragement to them as well.
I know people are reading, no matter how small the number, so when I post, I try to be as interesting as I can and post things I think would be beneficial to others, not just for myself. I don't always succeed (at least with the 'being interesting' part :) ), but it just seems courteous. If someone is going to honor you by reading what you're writing, why not make it a good experience?
So my purposes for blogging have broadened somewhat since I started out, but my basic purpose stays the same: to record my life so that I can look back along the journey and visibly trace the Lord's hand at work in it.
Thank you for taking the journey with me.

Note: Since this post, I created a page explaining more about why I blog. You can visit it HERE.

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