
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Monday, January 18, 2010

Thurs. Night College Bible Study - before the lesson

*I jotted this entry down on a piece of scratch paper 'cause I didn't have access to a computer at the time. So I'm putting the actual writing date at the beginning, but the post date is today's. In the future, if I've got to compose a post on paper before I can post it here, I will put the actual date of when I wrote it at the top of the post.*

Fri. Jan. 15 ~

So anyway, since it had been such a long time since we'd had a 'real' Bible study meeting as a group, everyone was really 'in top form' so to speak, and as everyone was arriving, the good humor and banter was going strong. Bro. Mike, Justice, Oliver, and Landon had all gone Monday to a three-day missions meeting about eight hours away, and were supposed to get back just in time for Bible study. They ended up being a little late, so as we waited on them, we were all just sitting around the long table "talking life", and just generally giving each other a good-natured hard time :D ! It was great! Trissy 'got' Bro. Dennis good at one point. He is such a jokester, and he's always waiting 'til she gets within hearing range and then he'll get his fake seriousness face on and then will start just really lamenting to whoever he was talking to, over the fact of how she's such a trouble maker and he can't get her to see how important it is to be respectful in Sunday School and all this... Trissy is about the most opposite of that you can imagine! But it's hilarious, and she loves it just as much as he does, she just hasn't always got a good comback ready. So anyway, last night we were just sitting around visiting, and she was going to ask him something, and so to address him she of course began, "Bro. Dennis..." Now, most, if not all, of the other young people just call him "Dennis", but we've always been taught to address adults (especially ones in positions of authority) as "Mr." or "Mrs." or, if it's a Christian man, as "Bro." But anyway, I guess most of the other kids just don't think about it. When Trissy said that, Camille (Bro. Mike's daughter) said sort of in a questioning voice, "Bro. Dennis?" and kind of gave Trissy a puzzled look. So Trissy decided that she would "get" him (she knew he was still listening with one ear, even with the other conversations going on at the same time) so she just piped right up and replied, "Well yeah, I've always tried to be respectful of old guys" Oh boy! everybody howled at that, 'cause they knew she had gotten him good! and that he would think of something to come back with... and it's a never-ending circle of friendly 'ribbing'.

This is getting off the subject just a little, but seriously, Bro. Dennis really has been such a blessing to my family in this church. He has such a heart of fun, but also of gold; and he knows so much about the Bible and how to defend your faith. He has taught Trissy and me so much just in this past year about what really matters in life, and that Christians can be CHRISTIANS (like Christ) without feeling like it's inappropriate to crack a smile or enjoy their Salvation!

So Bro. Mike, Oliver, Justice, and Landon finally got there and we got started on our lesson.

*I'll tell about it in my next post, Lord willing*

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