
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, January 15, 2010

College Class Mission Trip

Fri. Jan. 15 ~

Last night was, of course, our Thurs. night college Bible study class. It was SO great to get to be there again! It had been so long since we had had a 'regular' meeting, and to have it going again felt great! We hadn't met the Thurs. before Christmas, and the next Thurs. was the trip (more about that in a minute), then it was cold and icy last week, and Dad didn't think we should get out on the roads, so Trissy and I missed that one, and something came up the week before Christmas... So anyway, we hadn't met all together since about Thanksgiving, and we've been missing it!!

The 'trip' I mentioned above was one the class had been planning for quite a while, since sometime in the summer, that when it got colder, we would go to a near-by state to a Christian children's home there, and help them clear some land for a new dorm building. They didn't have the kind of money it would take to hire someone to come in and do it, and they were really needing another building for the kids. So we decided we could go and help them out, and consider it a sort of 'mission trip', since even though we weren't going to be involved in evangelism exactly, we would be helping these 'missionaries' who were sharing Christ's love with abandoned children. As it turned out though, Trissy and I didn't get to go after all, but neither did Archer or Tanner, so the group was kinda split up anyway. But from the stories the others were telling when they got back, it seemed like it really did them some good. They got alot of work done, and really seemed to get a blessing out of the 'get-away'. Oliver shared that he felt like, before he went on this trip, that his spiritual life was probably the lowest it's ever been. But to just get away from everything for a few days, to have time to spend in the Bible in the evenings, and to be around up-lifting friends really helped him get his eyes and focus back where they needed to be. There were similar stories from several that went. I can't help feeling that I'd been cheated just a little bit... But my first responsibility is to my parents, and I guess (no, I really know, it's just hard to admit it sometimes) that if they say I can't go, well, then, that's it.

The Lord has blessed in several strange ways after all from us not going though. I won't go all into detail, but let's just say that when you choose to be satisfied with the way things work out, and just let Him handle the details, things will turn out for the best.

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