
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Monday, November 16, 2009

Oliver's lesson - "Discipleship: Getting Alone With God"

Two weeks ago on Wednesday nights Bro. Mike (the youth pastor) started a series of lessons on True Discipleship and what it means to really follow the Lord with your whole heart and life. I was really glad, 'cause that sort of thing is not put much emphasis on any more.
There are a couple of young men who have surrendered to preach in the youth group, and Bro. Mike is having them take turns with him teaching the lessons. Oliver is 17, medium height, gentle and fun, with short jet-black hair and dark eyes that burn with the passion in his heart whenever he is teaching or preaching. Justice is 21, not real tall, and kind of stocky, mature and responsible, a born leader, with unruly chocolate curls, sky-blue eyes, and a wonderful, boyish sense of humor.
So this past Wed. was Oliver's turn, and he taught on True Discipleship: Getting Alone With God. It was so good! He used Matthew 6:6, and 1 Kings (I don't remember the exact reference. I'll go look it up later and fill it in) as his scriptures. He talked about how so many times we run and rush and run and rush, and pack way too much into our schedules, and then we don't take the time to just stop, be still, and listen to the Lord speak to us. Cause He's not going to try to yell over all the hubub in our lives. When He speaks, He speaks in a still, small voice. It's our responsibility to make sure we take that time that we need, and that He tells us to, to just "recharge our batteries", so to speak. It was so thought-provoking, and just really good and "deep". You'd just need to have been there.

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