
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, June 29, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 39

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Bobby's Fur

2. Hearing: Wren

3. Smell: Petrichor

4. Taste: Henley's Gumbo

5. Touch: Wind

The stories behind the list:

1. I was outside yesterday doing some yard work and being followed around by our three cats. After my work, I sat down in our open garage to pet them for a few minutes and cool off before I went inside. I was struck again by the beauty in Bobby's fur. Bobby is just a cat, but he still praises his Creator simply by displaying the Lord's creativity. Bobby has a beautiful orange and rust striped coat, with bright pure white splashes on his face, chest, and paws. The richness of the orange stripes and the purity of the bright white are so striking. The Lord is so detailed and creative in the design of even His simplest creatures.

2. Several times this week I've been outside and heard the jaunty trilling of a cheeky little wren. I was afraid our cats had driven off the wrens, and it was so good to hear the cheerful little voice.

3. I learned a new word recently, and it is becoming one of my favorites: "Petrichor". Petrichor is the smell outside after it rains. One of my most favorite smells in the world. Sunday night we had a tiny shower, but it still made the earth smell refreshed and cool.

4. Last night dear Henley made gumbo and brought it to Bible Study to share. I'm ususally not a gumbo person, but that gumbo was exeptionally good! She also brought sweet tea, and Henley's sweet tea is probably the best I've ever had.

5. Tuesday and Wednesday I worked on mowing our big yard. I love to mow! The only thing is, we have the kind of earmuffs that are hard against your ears and head. So by the time I got close to finishing the yard, my head was sore and my ears felt pinched and hot. I took the earmuffs off for the last few minutes, and the little breeze that was blowing felt deliciously cool and sweet against my poor little ears :) !

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday Night College Bible Study Ups And Downs

Wow. So our Thursday Night College-age Bible Study has been through alot since it's beginning approximately three years ago. Started off a little slow, but then began to pick up momentum, and for a couple of years, it only got better and better as the months went on. We had great victories, times of learning and sharing, and bonding as a group of between fifteen and twenty. We had downs too, times of discouragement and disappointment, but we always grew from it, and the Lord always helped us bounce back; if not in numbers, in quality of friendships and deep learning of Him.
Then last year, for various reasons, a slow slump seemed to start setting in, and at the beginning of this year we began shrinking by leaps and bounds. By last month, it was down to five people.

I've struggled with it quite a bit. More than I've let on to others. I love our Thursday night Bible study. In that class I've learned so much, loved so much, hurt, grown, talked alot, and hopefully listened more. My mind has been opened to concepts I'd never even thought about, though I've been raised on the Bible, and been to church all my life. I feel like my dependence on, love for, and awe of the Lord has increased exponentially because of that class. Not to mention the precious people I've spent this close fellowship with, nearly every week for three years, who have become more dear to me than I can express, though I sometimes try. I mourned to see the group crumbling around the edges. But it was when pieces started dropping out of the core that it broke my heart. Dear Aron, Henley, and also Austin, have been faithfully keeping on, leading us forward, trying to plan with their hope and eyes on future re-invigoration.
But I know they must be discouraged.

In our last couple of meetings a few weeks ago, we decided to change things up a little, and start dividing into two groups (male and female), doing studies specific to each group. So that we could still have the group fellowship and interaction, we'd meet together for the first fifteen or twenty minutes, divide up to do our studies for about an hour, then meet back again for the last fifteen or so minutes and have a group prayer time together.
I honestly had no idea how that would work. I mean, there were five of us. Aron and Henley were hoping the new plan would encourage some of the new high-school seniors and others to start coming, who might be a little intimidated by a group, but would enjoy being part of a smaller just-men or just-ladies group. But though I tried to be hopeful for their sakes, I must admit I was inwardly very skeptical. I'm still not sure about it, but after tonight, I'm definitely encouraged.

After having Bible School three weeks ago, and being in *Illinois for two Thursdays (Bible Study was canceled those days), today I was SO looking forward to being back at Bible Study on a Thursday night, no matter how discouraged I was!
We've been so busy today, and with only a few minutes until we needed to leave for town, I called to Trissy to make sure she was getting ready. She came slowly into my room where I was making a mad dash for my Bible and a hairbrush, and told me she'd decided not to go tonight. All I could think was, "Poor Aron and Henley." But I didn't have time to question her, so I just went on alone. When I got there, the only other vehicle was Aron and Henley's truck, but when I went around the corner of the building, found that door locked, and came back around to go in another one, Justice and Noel's vehicle was there! I was so excited! They hadn't been to Bible Study since they moved back!
I went upstairs to the youth room where we meet, and found not only Aron, Henley, baby Timothy, Justice, and Noel, but also Randy, Law, and Simon!! At first I thought maybe Law and Simon had just been there to play their instruments together for a while, and would leave, but it soon became evident they meant to stay. In just a few minutes, Bro. Mike came in too.
The evening went really well. And this was just the first night trying this new set-up. But to see those new faces, and to have long-absent old members back with us, was a boost and encouragement I cannot describe.

I don't know what the future of the class is, but I believe the Lord can and will still do great things with it. I hope the boys stay, and that some of the other members will come back, and that we can reach out to new ones. But above all, I hope we that are there, will learn more, live richer, and grow deeper in our lives for Christ.

*More on that in another post.

Thoughts On: "The Hunger Games"

I love a good story. I love to read, and I enjoy movies. So any time a person or a bunch of people I know start raving about some new book or movie, I'm naturally interested.
Well, the big hype in my area right now is about this new book and movie series called "The Hunger Games". From what I've gathered through asking friends who've read the books or seen the movie, and doing some research online, the story in a nutshell is basically about a futuristic land where the rulers force the youth of the inhabitants to fight to the death for food, and one girl (Katniss) and her family's journey through the situation.
After my research, my curiosity and interest quickly changed to disbelief and disgust. The whole thing reminds me of the Roman coliseum, where thousands of people watched other human beings fight to the death, viewing it as entertainment.
I have been shocked and saddened about how many Christian people even have been sucked into the craze over these stories!
I could rant on, but I will let another young blogger express my feelings better than I probably could. The difference is that she read the book and saw the movie before deciding how she felt about it. After reading and hearing all I have on the issue, I don't feel like I should, or that I need to, experience it in order to formulate an intelligent opinion.

"There's this sick sense of irony in fanship of The Hunger Games. I've heard the argument, 'Hey, Katniss and Peeta didn't agree with the Games. All the districts had to watch them and they didn't like them either. We're not saying it's good--we know the Capitol is evil.' Well first of all--the districts, watching the games...they are fictional. Okay, glad we got that straight. But we are real, we are really watching this, and we're not even being the districts. We're being those colorful people in the Capitol with their ridiculous attire and insane love for the 'fun' which is the Games. We say how awful it is that the Capitol would force the Games plus make people watch them, and yet we're the ones in real life out supporting it and watching it for entertainment. And obsessing over it and not caring that 22 children had to kill each other out there. But it's okay because the only characters we care about survived.

Bah, the more I think about it, the more disgusted I am. Seriously, America? This is what we're obsessing over? This is the only taste we have? This is what we enjoy seeing on screen? Are we so desensitized that this no longer bothers us? What is wrong with us?

To summarize how I put it on facebook:

I read the book and was not impressed and enthralled like everyone said I would be. I was hardly emotionally involved at all.
The movie (the style of which I actually found kinda obnoxious with the whole shaky, out-of-focus, way close up deal) just took it to a whole different level and the more I think about it, the less I like it. It's not the killing itself...goodness knows I've read/seen enough of that on screen. I just think there's a strange irony in the fact that in the movie, they say 'what if everyone rebelled & didn't watch the games' and watching it we're all like 'yeah, how sick it is that they do that'...and yet in real life, we're the ones actually watching it for entertainment. Ugh. So messed up.
I gave it the benefit of the doubt, guys. I went in thinking I would like the hunger games just like everyone else. In the end it's rather sickening, and it just doesn't stack up to real, good literature.

So that's my opinion. It's rather strong, I know, compared to all the love the story gets. I know there's two more books, including a revolution against the evil Capitol. Argue with me. Tell me if there's some redeeming quality I missed. Because, the only thing I caught was a sense of sick, sad irony."

I have only published a portion of her post, but if you are interested in reading it in it's entirety, you may see it HERE.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

S.O.A.P. Journaling - Proverbs 17:27 and 28

Date: June 20, 2012
Passage: Prov. 17:27 and 28

"He that hath knowledge spareth his words; ... and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding." verses 27a and 28b

There are times to speak. Times when words are needed in a situation. But so often, silence would be more appropriate. And so often, silence is hard. I suppose that's why a person that can 'hold their tongue' is so praised in the Bible.

How much I need help with knowing when to speak and when to just not say anything! I would like to think that I'm getting better at it - relationships with others seem to indicate maybe I am learning. But how much work there is still to be done!

"Lord thank You for what You're teaching me about how and when to speak, and when to keep quiet. Help me continue to learn and to be wise, with my words, and with my silences."

S.O.A.P. Journaling - John 13:31-38

Date: June 19, 2012
Passage: John 13:31-38

"Simon Peter said unto Him, Lord, whither goest thou? ... Peter said unto Him, Lord, why cannot I follow Thee now? I will lay down my life for Thy sake." verses 36 and 37

Jesus was getting ready to leave. The reaction of most of His disciples is not recorded. But evidently, Peter's was so earnest that it could not be left out of the account of this incident. I can just see his expression of shock and sadness, hear the intense anguish and utter disbelief in his voice.
'Where are You going?! Why can't I go with You?! I would die for You!!'

Poor dear Peter. I think I know a little of how he must have been feeling. How hard it is to be separated, even for the briefness of this earthly lifetime, from someone you love. Even if you know that - because of your mutual faith in Jesus Christ - you will one day be reunited, either here or There, 'good bye' has got to be the most heart-wrenching word/phrase in the world. Yet for a Christian, it can also be one of the most joy-filled; for it either means a moving to greater service for our Lord somewhere, or going Home.

"Oh God thank You for *my dream and it's lessons. Help me to be able to say 'good-by' with Joy."

*To tell a short version of a long story, I had a dream last March about saying 'good-bye'. I can only think of two other dreams I've ever had that were as potent. It gave me alot of 'food for thought'. Maybe, someday, I'll post it here.

S.O.A.P. Journaling - Psalm 106

Date: June 18, 2012
Passage: Ps. 106

"Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever. We have sinned with our fathers, ... we have done wickedly. ... Nevertheless He saved ... Save us, O LORD our God, ... Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the LORD." verses 1, 6, 8, 47, and 48

This psalm is just what I needed - it expresses perfectly what I'm feeling. The psalmist is bursting with thankfulness to the Lord for all He has done, thoughtfulness over all his own people have done wrong and been through, and pleading for a continuance of the Lord's amazing kindness.

The psalmist demonstrates an excellent form of thought here, that I (and every believer) would do well to habitually follow. The psalm, strangely enough, does follow a train of thought that my mind often takes. Praise the Lord for His indescribable mercy and kindness!! He has done amazingly in my life! I and my people have done so wickedly, yet His mercy never ends. Blessed be His holy Name!!

*"Bless the LORD oh my soul! Oh, my soul; worship His holy Name! Sing like never before, oh my soul - worship His holy Name! ... 10,000 reasons for my heart to find."

*Lyrics from the song "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)" - Matt Redman

S.O.A.P. Journaling - Matthew 25:37-40

Date: June 17, 2012
Passage: Matt. 25:37-40

"... Lord, when... ?" verse 37 (also 38 and 39)

With this 'story' or admonition, the Lord encouraged His followers to consider the fact that serving others (especially *"... the least of these my brethren, ...") was serving Him.
How easy! And yet how often hard.

What strikes me is the fact that the Godly servants in this set of verses seem to have made service such a way of life that when the Lord mentions it to them, it's almost as if they don't know what He's talking about! They have to stop and ask, 'Now, when was that again?'. I love that! If only my life could be that!

"Father help me to serve others - all others - cheerfully, joyfully, and even happily; as if I was serving You. Help me to find the same wonderful strange gladness serving difficult people, as I do serving those I'm drawn to.
And help it become such a way of life for me, that I don't even realize when I do it; but that others notice, and glorify You because of it."

*verse 40

S.O.A.P. Journaling - James 5:1-11

Date: June 16, 2012
Passage: James 5:1-11

"Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you. Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the LORD. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit ... Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the LORD draweth nigh. ... Take my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the LORD, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. Behold, we count them happy which endure." verses 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11a



"Lord make us true. Lord keep us true. Whatever comes, keep us true."

S.O.A.P. Journaling - Romans 12:9-13

Date: June 15, 2012
Passage: Romans 12:9-13

"Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another; ..." verse 10

Give each other slack. People make mistakes, even Christians - they're human too! Be kind and considerate. Try to see things from the other person's perspective. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Even when they are getting on your nerves like crazy, honor them as being above you.

This is something I really need to work on. Some people are so wonderful and easy-to-work-with in their personalities, and others will just drive you crazy - yes, even fellow Christians sometimes.

"Lord help me to honor others. Help me treat other believers with the respect and honor, consideration and kindness that I should. Even when the circumstances are hard to deal with."

S.O.A.P. Journaling - 1 John 1

Date: June 14, 2012
Passage: 1 John 1

"And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full." verse 4

This chapter is basically practical reasoning for why Christians' lives can/should be full of joy: We have eyewitness accounts of what we believe! We have fellowship with the God we believe in! Since we have personal fellowship with Him, we have no excuse to let the darkness into our lives, because then we would be representing our wonderful Lord so inaccurately. If our lives are full of Light, and we have fellowship with Him, then we have fellowship with others who have believed on Him, and we live in such a way that we reflect the Light as encouragement back to them, and as a witness to those who do not know the Way.

How can I have closer and better fellowship with Him? How can I make sure that I exude light and not darkness? This chapter is an excellent 'quick guide'. And by following it, my Joy may be full.

"Lord help me emit Light and Joy. Help me not *'call You a liar' with my life. Help me. Thank You."

*verse 10

S.O.A.P. Journaling - Philipians 2:2-5

Date: June 13, 2012
Passage: Phil. 2:2-5

"Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:"

It seems to me that Paul here is experiencing what every truly loving mentor goes through - the unbelievably strong, passionate desire to see those he's loving and/or mentoring take and follow right paths.

I love this set of verses! Even though it is so hard and challenging, it's also incredibly heart-warming.
Be like-minded - have the same purpose - work as a team toward the unified and most worthy goal. Don't seek glory or compliments for what you do or accomplish. And don't ever do something simply to spite another person! Even when you know you're right and the other person is wrong, keep the mindset that 'they are more important' and (even though all are equal) it will automatically affect your response to them and cause you to behave with a greater degree of respect. Do not focus or dwell on your own talents or accomplishments, but think about and praise others for theirs. Try desperately to develop and keep a mind-set that would be as close as you can imagine to the one Christ would have.

"Precious Friend, give me Your mind toward others. Help me to be, above all, respectful. And next, to be always a blessing, an encouragement. After being a Godly witness, this is my greatest prayer for myself, that all who know me would be raised up by having known me. That I, through words and actions, may always lift up and not tear down. That I could help encourage the teamwork it will take to accomplish the Goal."

Friday, June 22, 2012

S.O.A.P. Journaling - John 5:1-21

Date: June 12, 2012
Passage: John 5:1-21

"For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom He will." verse 21

God is and has the ultimate power over life, and over death. Jesus had just restored the health of a man who had been enslaved by his infirmity for 38 years. He raised the physically dead – He raised the Spiritually dead. And He raises whoever He pleases.

He decides if someone who is dead will get to live . And if He decides they will be brought to life, they will not be able to escape, even if they think they want to. A dead person cannot run and hide; so a spiritually dead person cannot hide from God, if God has chosen to make him His. Since this, then, is the case, why should I fret over those I desire to see living for God? If He wants them, He’ll get them. What a comfort!

"Lord help me to keep a passion for souls. But help me remember that, ultimately, each is Yours."

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 38

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Smiles And Eyes On The Chicago Mission Trip

2. Hearing: Randy

3. Smell: Our House

4. Taste: Ice Cream From The Shop Beside The Church

5. Touch: Comfy Bunk Bed

The stories behind the list:

1. During the nine days with the rest of the Victory Rd. team in Chicago Land, one of the big blessings for me was getting to interact with the other young people on the team. To laugh and to see laughter, to see beautiful grins and cute little smiles, soft mahogany eyes, gentle blue eyes, eyes the color of a forest in the summer time - what a glorious thing is a genuine smile, how beautiful are happy shining eyes!

2. One of the other young people on who went on the trip, Randy, is usually a very quiet guy. Not the type to be in the middle of things or make a big deal about anything. He's just there, and when he's needed, he's willing. He told his testimony one night during our devotional/S.O.A.P. Journal sharing time, and it shed light on why he is like he is, as well as being a point of great blessing to hear how the Lord has worked in his life. It was so good also, to hear him talking and laughing at different times on this trip, usually during the times he and Law spent together. I think they had a good influence on each other, each with their own strange strengths and weaknesses.

3. You know how every house has a particular smell? I love going into the houses of my friends and family, 'cause their houses smell like them. It's a neat comforting thing. When Trissy and I got back, and went into our house, it smelled so good! So old and familiar, yet new, in a way, 'cause when we are constantly living here, we get used to it and don't notice it anymore.

4. Tuesday after 'Art in the Park', we were SO hot and tired. Just about all Piper and Lela and I could think about was some ice cream from the little shop beside the church :) . When we went back to the church for the boys to finish picking up the trimmings from the yard work they'd done, some of us went into that little shop. I got a scoop of vanilla and a scoop of cookies and cream. That stuff was perfect!

5. Each night when we would get in, we would be so tired and exhausted. It was a good tired, but our bunks felt SO good! 'Course, we were so worn out that I think we could have slept on concrete, and slept great :) !

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 37

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight:

2. Hearing:

3. Smell: Gloria Vanderbuilt Powder

4. Taste: Red Beans And Rice

5. Touch:

The stories behind the list:



3. When I was little and my family lived in another state, coming here to visit The Grandparents was always a special treat. I remember two things The Grandmother really enjoyed: Dr. Pepper, and Gloria Vanderbuilt perfume. One year for my birthday or Christmas or something, she gave me a small round plastic box of Gloria Vanderbuilt powder. I hoarded that stuff like it was gold dust. And yes, I still have the box, and yes, it still has quite a bit of powder in it. I 'rationed' it then, and I'm not a perfume person now, so there's still plenty that hasn't been used. Mom has always said though, that if you're either cold or hot when you get out of a shower or bath, after you dry off, if you put powder on, it will either warm you up or cool you off.
Of course, being summer, it's hot here now. The other day, I went and dipped into that little store of Gloria Vanderbuilt powder. And smelling it, I was suddenly carried back probably fifteen years to the times when we'd come to visit The Grandparents, giving happy hugs, and The Grandmother smelt like Gloria Vanderbuilt perfume.



Friday, June 8, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 36

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Covers Folded Back On My Bed At The Grandparents'

2. Hearing: "Power In The Blood"

3. Smell: Vanilla Perfume

4. Taste: Blueberries

5. Touch: Hug From Lindy

The stories behind the list:

1. On Thursday nights, I go up to The Grandparents' and spend the night. The Grandmother goes to the hair salon early Friday morning to have her hair done, and it makes it easier for her if someone can come fix her and The Grandfather's breakfast for them. I get to do that, so I just go ahead and spend the night Thursday so I'm there early. We've been having Bible School every night at Victory Rd. this week, so when I got there last night it was a little late, and The Grandparents had already gone to bed. But when I went into the room where I sleep, the big decorative pillows had been taken off of the bed, and the covers and sheets had been folded back in an inviting fashion.

2. Sunday morning during the music service, one of the songs we sang was "Power In The Blood". It had been so long since I'd heard that wonderful old song, and we sang it in the old Southern-gospel convention school style that I love.

3. Last night at Bible school, I got to visit a little bit with a young woman who had recently joined Victory Rd. She and her husband seem like a kind, humble couple, and their little girl is just a little doll! She must have had some kind of vanilla-scented perfume on, because I kept catching pleasant whiffs of vanilla while we were talking.

4. One of the older men in our church invited us to come pick blueberries at his niece's house this week. They have a blueberry 'orchard' and there are so many berries they can't get them all, and they are just falling off the bushes and wasting. So Bro. G. has taken a few different church folks out there to pick. Wednesday morning Mom, Trissy, and I went with him and it was so much fun! He rode with us to show us the way out there, and on the way he told us stories about who lived in this or that house we passed, or who used to own that land and what they grew on it, or why this road was named such a funny name, etc. Then while we picked berries, he told us about his time in the Army, his and his wife's travels when he worked for an oil company, and his time when he was younger and worked for a bowling alley, re-setting the bowling pins!
Those blueberries were something else! The berries were huge, and there were so many of them, you could just reach in among the leaves and pull off handfuls of berries. And they were so SWEET! It was hard not to eat too many!

5. Lindy loves kittens. Monday night when two brothers who had come to Bible school were getting picked up afterwards, the woman who was picking them up had brought her kitten with her for some reason. I wasn't over there, but Lindy saw it and got to pet it a little bit before they left. She was so excited, she came running across the big room to give me a hug and tell me about it!

Friday, June 1, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 35

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Memorial Day At The S. Family's House

2. Hearing: "We should be home in a little bit."

3. Smell: Rain Coming

4. Taste: Trissy's Fruit Cookie

5. Touch: Swimming In A Pond

The stories behind the list:

1. See this post for the story.

2. Trissy and I were on our way back to the house from town Saturday after working at the church on Bible School decorations for the afternoon. On our way, The Grandmother called her cell phone and asked where we were and if we were going to get to visit them for a little while in the evening. Trissy replied cheerfully, "We should be home in a little bit." and then told exactly where we were on the route.
But that sentence got me thinking.
Home. For those who have believed on Christ, "Home" is Heaven. And our time here on this earth is the road leading home. Sometimes it's hard and bumpy; sometimes it's smooth going. But once we get Home - to that Place of comfort and warmth - looking back, our travels will only seem like a little while; and it's good to keep that perspective, even while traveling. "We should be home in a little bit."

3. We haven't had rain in a while, and things are beginning to suffer. But I was in town yesterday, and big black clouds began gathering and covering the sky. The wind was whipping up leaves, bits of trash, and random raindrops, and you could smell the water in the air.

4. Mom's oldest sister is quite a whiz when it comes to making things. Anything. Wood-working, knitting, baking, etc. She made up a sugar cookie recipe that is absolutely the best ever, and is also used as the crust for a 'fruit pizza' recipe she made up (though I don't like to call it a 'fruit pizza', 'cause it's not anything like a pizza at all, except that it's spread out on a pan and made in layers). That is one of my favorite desserts. Especially when Trissy makes them. She is so creative when it comes to things like that. I am creative in that I can see something I like and pretty much make it, but Trissy can come up with something out of her head and make it. Whenever she makes this recipe, she always uses the fruit on top to make some kind of beautiful, cute, or creative design. She made one this past week and used blueberries and banana pieces to make sunflowers. SO cute! And SO tasty!

5. Here, I told about this past Memorial Day, and that I had my first real swim in a pond, even though I've grown up in the country with ponds everywhere. It felt so good, especially after the heat of the day, and the itchy liquid soap from the slip-and-slide! The water was pretty warm, but there would be cool currents running through it as well, and to be swimming or floating along and then hit one of those was so refreshing! If you got tired, you could just grab the handle on the front of somebody's kayak and just hang there and rest for a while :) !