Wow. So our Thursday Night College-age Bible Study has been through alot since it's beginning approximately three years ago. Started off a little slow, but then began to pick up momentum, and for a couple of years, it only got better and better as the months went on. We had great victories, times of learning and sharing, and bonding as a group of between fifteen and twenty. We had downs too, times of discouragement and disappointment, but we always grew from it, and the Lord always helped us bounce back; if not in numbers, in quality of friendships and deep learning of Him.
Then last year, for various reasons, a slow slump seemed to start setting in, and at the beginning of this year we began shrinking by leaps and bounds. By last month, it was down to five people.
I've struggled with it quite a bit. More than I've let on to others. I
love our Thursday night Bible study. In that class I've learned so much, loved so much, hurt, grown, talked alot, and hopefully listened more. My mind has been opened to concepts I'd never even thought about, though I've been raised on the Bible, and been to church all my life. I feel like my dependence on, love for, and awe of the Lord has increased exponentially because of that class. Not to mention the precious people I've spent this close fellowship with, nearly every week for three years, who have become more dear to me than I can express, though I sometimes try. I mourned to see the group crumbling around the edges. But it was when pieces started dropping out of the core that it broke my heart. Dear Aron, Henley, and also Austin, have been faithfully keeping on, leading us forward, trying to plan with their hope and eyes on future re-invigoration.
But I know they must be discouraged.
In our last couple of meetings a few weeks ago, we decided to change things up a little, and start dividing into two groups (male and female), doing studies specific to each group. So that we could still have the group fellowship and interaction, we'd meet together for the first fifteen or twenty minutes, divide up to do our studies for about an hour, then meet back again for the last fifteen or so minutes and have a group prayer time together.
I honestly had no idea how that would work. I mean, there were
five of us. Aron and Henley were hoping the new plan would encourage some of the new high-school seniors and others to start coming, who might be a little intimidated by a group, but would enjoy being part of a smaller just-men or just-ladies group. But though I tried to be hopeful for their sakes, I must admit I was inwardly very skeptical. I'm still not sure about it, but after tonight, I'm definitely encouraged.
After having Bible School three weeks ago, and being in *Illinois for two Thursdays (Bible Study was canceled those days), today I was SO looking forward to being back at Bible Study on a Thursday night, no matter how discouraged I was!
We've been so busy today, and with only a few minutes until we needed to leave for town, I called to Trissy to make sure she was getting ready. She came slowly into my room where I was making a mad dash for my Bible and a hairbrush, and told me she'd decided not to go tonight. All I could think was, "Poor Aron and Henley." But I didn't have time to question her, so I just went on alone. When I got there, the only other vehicle was Aron and Henley's truck, but when I went around the corner of the building, found that door locked, and came back around to go in another one, Justice and Noel's vehicle was there! I was so excited! They hadn't been to Bible Study since they moved back!
I went upstairs to the youth room where we meet, and found not only Aron, Henley, baby Timothy, Justice, and Noel, but also Randy, Law, and Simon!! At first I thought maybe Law and Simon had just been there to play their instruments together for a while, and would leave, but it soon became evident they meant to stay. In just a few minutes, Bro. Mike came in too.
The evening went really well. And this was just the first night trying this new set-up. But to see those new faces, and to have long-absent old members back with us, was a boost and encouragement I cannot describe.
I don't know what the future of the class is, but I believe the Lord can and will still do great things with it. I hope the boys stay, and that some of the other members will come back, and that we can reach out to new ones. But above all, I hope we that are there, will learn more, live richer, and grow deeper in our lives for Christ.
*More on that in another post.