
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Thursday, March 25, 2010

TV Tales, Country Experiments, and Basic Random

Hello dear people! My gracious, I have not posted much in quite a while! But I do have a legit. reason, though you have probably gotten as tired of me using it as I have: school. Yes, school. *BLAH!* I am on Spring Break this week, but it has not been much of a "break" really - though I am so thankful for it, for it has given me a chance to catch up with all the homework that is coming up due, and that I haven't had time to devote to yet because of all the other assignments that were due "now". Thankfully so far I have all A's and B's, even in the two classes that have really been whipping me. Thank the Lord! My desire is to be a Godly witness for the Lord in whatever I do, and it will certainly not be a good reflection on Him or other believers, if I miss deadlines or do poorly. So I have devoted most of my time this week to HARD WORK - which never hurt anyone, but which sometimes threatens to make me scream! ;) So if I haven't commented on your blog in a while, and you are someone I 'follow', it's because I just haven't had computer 'free time' to do it in. I hope to catch up though before too long!

Well, moving on, I wanted to take a moment's break from my school and tell a little bit about the things other than school that have been going on lately - not much, but I still thought I'd share it.

Uncle David and his family were down visiting all last week, and though I had college, it was Spring Break for the Christian Academy, so I did not have work. That was very nice, so I got to spend more time with my two young cousins (even if alot of it was just being in the same room with them, while sitting on the couch doing homework on a borrowed laptop! LOL). But seriously, we did get to do a few things together. On Tuesday evening since I didn't have work, we got to sit down and watch a movie (all together) that I had heard about a while back. Aunt Winny's mother had gotten it for the kids after that, and they had been wanting us to see it. It's called "Pendragon: Sword of his father".

It is EXCELLENT. It was made by two homeschool families and a small army of friends and volunteers, and gives glory to the Lord while sweeping you off on an adventure ride back into the medival days of Britiania. There were a few goofs in a couple of places, and at times the acting wasn't quite as convincing, but for this to be their first movie, the quality was unbelievable. Add to that the fact that it was clean, wholesome, and God-honoring (which is ALOT more than I could say for most "Inspirational" "Christian" movies), and I was an immediate fan. If you have seen it, I'd love to hear your opinions! And if you haven't seen it - TRY TO! It really is a great movie! Click on the image to visit their website.

Still along the lines of TV, we've recently been introduced to a show that also seems like something worth watching. My grandparents have cable, and my grandmother started watching it, and got us started. It's called "DOC".

It's about a Montana cowboy/doctor who moves to New York, and is really too tender-hearted for his own good. He always takes his patients into his heart, and goes above and beyond his call as their doctor to help them. The staff at this clinic are not ashamed to talk about God, the Bible, and family values. Now, I haven't seen all the episodes, so it may not end up being as good as it first seems, but so far I have been quite impressed (the fault I have is that Doc could use a haircut). It comes on on the Gospel Music Station, and we enjoy watching it whenever we are free at 4:00 in the afternoon. If any of you knows more details, has seen it, or has opinions, I would love to hear more about it from another "angle". There's also a show that comes on right before it called "Sue Thomas, FBEye" that looks pretty good, but we haven't seen it as much as Doc.

Well, I was going to also post some new pictures of my "inside garden", but I guess my little camera really has given out at last. The pictures took fine, but when I tried to load them onto the computer, it was as if they had dissapeared off of the memory card. So anyway... But all my little plants seem to be doing well, except for the Lavender - only one little plant finally came up, but I still have seeds left over of all my plants, and after I get these set out in the garden (which I really need to do soon), I want to start them growing too.

This morning Mom and Trissy went into town to hopefully get Trissy's driver's license, and as they were leaving we noticed that one of our front Oaks (the younger one) was full of lady Cardinals! They were all facing South. There's alot of cloud cover right now (it's supposed to storm later on), but it seemed so strange. Do any of you, who might be a little more nature-wise than I, know what would have caused them to behave this way? Unless I'm mistaken, all the birds were female red birds, all facing the same direction, all in the same young oak tree, and there must have been seventy of them or so. I took pictures too, but couldn't load those either. Anyway, it just had us puzzled, and I wondered if any of you would know.

One more thing and then I've got to go. One of my instructors gave us a bunch of chicken eggs and loaned us her incubator so we could try to raise some chicks! We are down to five chickens (four hens and a rooster), none of them are setting, and almost every time we have tried setting our own, it has resulted in trajedy of some sort. So we are really hoping (and even praying) that all these will hatch and do well. We've put plastic Easter eggs, and golf balls out in the nests, hoping that will encourage some of our hens to set, and then when these chicks hatch, maybe they would "adopt" them so that we wouldn't have to keep them in a box in the house until they were old enough and big enough to fend for themselves out there!

Ok, well I really need to go. I just wanted to take a break and fill y'all in on a little of what's been going on. :)

Til later, Keep Looking UP!


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