
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, February 8, 2013

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 71

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Friends At The Superbowl "Party"

2. Hearing: Friends' Voices At The Superbowl "Party"

3. Smell: Book From Bro. Mike's Family

4. Taste: Fried Chicken Wrap

5. Touch: Rip-sticking At The Superbowl "Party"

The stories behind the list:

1., 2., and 5. See this post for these stories.

3. Bro. Mike's family got rid of alot of stuff in preparation to move to the mission field. Though they're already gone, we had a garage sale with much of what they left behind, and plan to send the money to them. I love garage sales and left with a box of things. One was a devotional/study book I thought I might use in my discipleship with Joy. A couple of days later I opened it to read it, and as the pages flipped and blew a little breath of air into my face, the smell of Bro. Mike's family came up to meet me with it. You know how each person or family has a particular scent when you hug them or go into their house? I love that about people. Especially dear friends. Sometimes I will smell something and it reminds me of someone I love, simply because it smells like 'them'! This book did that. I closed my eyes and imagined I was standing in their living room. It was both comforting and painful at the same time.

4. When I first started working at the restaurant and Ava was still there, she gave me part of her lunch one day - a fried chicken wrap. I was hooked. We bought and split one another time after that (a whole one was more than either of us could eat at one sitting), but I haven't had one since (it's just too expensive to 'eat out' alot for my penny-pinching budget!). So I decided I'd get one yesterday, and was reminded again of why I fell in love! Bites of perfectly crispy fried chicken, shreds of cheddar cheese and fresh lettuce, bits of tasty bacon, and juicy tomato chunks, all rolled inside a soft tortilla shell spread with Ranch dressing - absolute bliss.

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