
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mentoring Joy

One of the things on my Bucket List is to mentor a younger person, preferably a teenager.
Several months ago, Oct. 24th to be exact (when Bro. Mike was phasing himself out as Youth Director and Justice was filling in until a new Youth Pastor was found), Justice announced to the youth group one Wednesday night, the possibility of implementing a mentoring program between the older youth and/or college youth, and the younger youth. After announcements, as we walked to the house where we have our Junior High class on Wednesday nights, Piper and I were talking about it.
Piper: 'Are you going to do the discipleship thing?'
Me: 'I don't know, I didn't even know about it until tonight! I hope so; I'd love to! One of the things on my 'bucket list' is to mentor a younger person.'
Piper: 'Well, I think you've probably already been doing alot of that without realizing it.'
I melted on the inside.

But it got me thinking, and later praying. I really did want to do it. But each person I thought of 'mentoring', seemed to have something that wouldn't quite let it work out. So I just kept praying about it.
Eventually, several things began happening that caused Joy to come to mind. I began praying specifically about doing it with her. I had no idea where I would squeeze it into my schedule, but I knew that this desire was in my heart, and if the Lord had put it there and wanted me to mentor her, He would work out details.

I prayed about it for several weeks, then asked Dad and Mom what they thought about it. They said it would be fine, and that maybe it would work out for her mom to drop her off at the church after school on Wednesdays, and I could just go early, and we could have our meetings before church.

Next step was to mention it to her parents. I spoke with her mom at church the next Sunday, and she seemed to like the idea. She said she'd speak with Bro. Blake about it. I didn't hear anything from them saying we couldn't, so I decided to start actually planning lessons. I knew Autumn was going through a book with Lindsay, and Julia was doing the same book with Lela. But when I checked the library at the church, they were out. So, I decided that until they got some in and I could read it, we'd use the S.O.A.P. Journal idea, with a different chapter of the Bible to study each week. I made a list of some of the chapters that had (in various ways and for various reasons) been brought especially to my attention in recent weeks.

It turned out to be fine for Joy's mother to drop her off at the church when they left VRCA. We agreed to meet at the church on Wednesday evenings at 4:00, so we'd have plenty of time to do our journals, talk about them, have a prayer time, and still have time to eat supper before church started at 6:30.

Last Wednesday was our first meeting, and I was a little nervous. I'd never done anything like this before, and I wanted it to work well and for Joy to enjoy it. We're good friends already, so we have a good foundation. But I want this to be a time for us both to grow.
It went really well! She was already there when I arrived, Rip-Stiking with Nicole's little brother in the gym. There was a folding table and two chairs against one wall, so we sat there. We read the chapter (1 Thessalonians 5 - chock full of good stuff!), did our journaling, then shared what we'd gleaned from it.

My entry:


Date: Feb. 6, 2013
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5
Title: 'Children of Light'

'Ye are the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.' verses 5, 6, & 8

The apostle Paul was writing another letter to another one of his churches. He doesn't seem to be reprimanding much in this letter - more like just exhorting, encouraging, and reminding them of things they needed to keep in mind as they went through their ordinary lives. I like how he seems to be stressing basic Christian living in everyday life, and an active spirit towards being Godly.

This is a good reminder, and certainly a challenge to be aware of how I am living - do I live as a child of Light? I not only want to avoid darkness, I want to display Light!

'Lord help me display Light! I want to be wise and 'sober'. I want to have my armor on and be prepared to defend myself and/or others against obstacles or attacks from children of the night. Thank You'


After we were finished, we had a good bit of time still before supper and church. I took my supper (I'd taken it with me) to the fellowship hall in the front and ate there, then went back into the gym. By this time, more kids had arrived, and there were Rip-Stiks and basketballs moving energetically. Bro. Nick came through on his way to the youth room. He saw me, and stopped to ask if I would be interested in participating in a mentoring program he hoped to start doing in the youth group! I laughed and told him I'd certainly be open to it, and that I had started with Joy that very evening! He seemed surprised, but pleased, so we'll see where this whole thing goes!

Isn't it funny sometimes how God works things?!

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