
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, March 2, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 22

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Clouds And Kids At VRCA

2. Hearing: First Practice With The Youth Music Group

3. Smell: Burnt Squash

4. Taste: Frosted Mini Wheats

5. Touch: Going Barefoot On Our Carpet

The stories behind the list:

1. At after-school Wednesday, I was outside with the kids, and I believe it was one of them that noticed and pointed out the majestic-ness of the huge clouds moving slowly across the sky overhead. The afternoon sun shining through the trees at the edge of the school yard also shone gloriously through the spaces in the great clouds, making them brilliant shades of silver, gray, and pure white, and gilding the edges with dazzling gold. The kids as they stood still, play forgotten, mesmerized by the beautiful sight and staring up at the sky with gaping mouths and curious eyes, were as wonderful to see as the clouds themselves.

2. Well, Tuesday was the fulfillment of a long-held, but contentedly-suppressed dream of mine: To play keyboard for/with our group of young musicians at the church, who play for the young people's class on Wednesday nights (and for the Sunday morning service on the first Sunday of the month after a "5th Sunday").
Andrea had to have surgery to fix an ankle injury, and this past Thursday instead of having our college-age Bible Study, we took the church van and went and visited her. Austin, Archer, Aron, Henley, and Timothy, and Trissy and I were the ones that went. Austin and Archer had bought a special cable to hook up her TV with a DVD player or something right beside her bed so she could watch it without having to bother her mom to come put on something for her. She was pretty thrilled :) . After the boys got it hooked up, we all sat or stood around in her little room for a while, watching the "Swamp People" show that was on, and chatting during commercials. During one, Austin turned to me and asked, "So what are you doing Tuesday night?" I thought for a minute, but couldn't think of anything that I knew of, and asked how come he was wondering. I had forgotten that the youth music group practiced on Tuesday nights. He asked if I'd like to come and play keyboard for them. Would I?! I said I'd love to, but I didn't know how to play chords, which I knew was what they needed. He and Archer (who was listening by this time) both said that was no big deal, I could learn, and they would help me along if I needed it. I thanked them and said I'd ask Dad and Mom and let them know.
I was thrilled! I'd been secretly wishing I could play with the group for a while, but 1) I knew I couldn't play chords, 2) I hadn't been invited, and 3) I enjoyed listening to them! and if I was playing, I'd be on that side of it instead. So I was satisfied where I was, and tried to give encouragement and support to them whenever I could. Now I was being given this honor, and even if Dad and Mom said no, I'd still have that warm feeling of knowing they had wanted me. But Dad and Mom said yes, and Tuesday night was my first practice! I spent a huge part of the day Monday looking up YouTube videos and chording music, trying to teach myself enough to get started, or so that I could at least ask intelligent questions if I needed to.
But it really wasn't that hard. I found an excellent, simple, instruction video on YouTube, learned the basic chords and how to read them, and got off to a good start with my keyboard chording education :) !
So Tuesday night rolled around, and I got to the church a little before time, just to make sure I'd be there on time! The boys set up the keyboard, and put me right in the center of the group. That turned out to be just perfect for me starting out. That way I had each of them right next to me, and it was pretty hard to get lost - I could just tilt my head one way or another and hear whichever instrument loud and clear that could help me keep on track.
Julia singing slightly ahead to my right, helped me keep my place and where we were in the song. Law and his bass guitar slightly behind to my right, picking each bass note strong so I could tell which chord I was supposed to be playing right then. Simon on the drums behind and on my left, helped me feel the timing. Archer strumming his acoustic guitar ahead to my left, led the rhythm and helped me feel when we were fixing to change chords. Austin directly in front of me, either picking on his electric guitar, singing, or playing his cajon (Pronounced, "kuh-HONE". It's a box drum.), filled in the spaces and kept everything together.
It was challenging, but not overwhelming, everything sounded really good, and I appreciated again the talent and great potential the Lord has given to these young people. When we said good night and I left, I felt like I was on cloud nine.

3. Bless her heart one of our family cooks (I won't name which one) fixed squash for our lunch Thursday, but it burnt. Not so bad that we couldn't eat it, but you could smell it. And it smelt for all the world like cigarette smoke! The whole house smelled like that for quite a while, and it brought back memories of sad classmates I had in college that would smell like that. It made me thankful that the Lord has blessed me with a family that doesn't smoke.

4. Thursday night coming in from College Bible Study I was so hungry, and I was going to spend the night with The Grandparents. Whenever I'm at their house and I'm hungry, all I want is cereal! Jaylyn and Jewel, y'all know what I'm talking about! The Grandmother is famous among the grandchildren for having a stash of various cereals that she keeps for us :) . Bless her heart! I came in Thursday night, and she sent me into the kitchen for a bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats. They were SO good!

5. Our carpet is several years old and rather worn in spots, but Monday morning the weather was so fresh and cool (not cold) that I went barefoot all morning. That wonderful old carpet felt SO fluffy and soft under my feet!

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