
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, December 2, 2011

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 9

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Law Praying.

2. Hearing: "Harvest"

3. Smell: A Fresh-Peeled Satsuma

4. Taste: The First Eggnog Of The Season

5. Touch: A Warm Cornbag

The stories behind the list:

1. I have mentioned Archer's younger brother, Law, before. He is so talented, so full of potential. He plays the bass guitar on Wednesday nights in the group of young people that leads the music (and does an excellent job), but I long to see him pour himself into the cause of Christ.
Of the S. family, Law is probably the one I know the least, though that is changing. He seems to be the type that hasn't succeeded in going deep with the Lord yet.
Of course I cannot know his heart, but how I pray for that dear young boy! How I long to see the Lord work mightily in his life, and use him in amazing ways for the glory of God!
Wednesday Bro. Mike was gone to a conference, so Austin presented the lesson. After the lesson, Bro. Mike always has some music played and gives the young people a few minutes to think about the message, and go to a corner and pray if they would like to. Almost like an 'invitation' in a church service.
Austin did the same at the end of his lesson, and Law went to the prayer corner. He was the only one. He stayed there on his knees quite a while, with his head propped on his arms on a stair. I wondered what he was thinking, what was going on in his heart. I pray the Lord is working in his soul, molding him into the great man he could one day be.

2. When I was younger, Mom always had a record or a tape playing. We still keep music on alot. I grew up listening to "Mary Jayne and Polly", "The Florida Boys", "Jim Reeves", and others. And a cassette tape Mom's youngest sister had made for her from one of their tapes. It was titled, "It's Alright Now" and was by a band called "Harvest".
I still love listening to all that 'old' music.
When I got older, I made myself a copy of our copy of "Harvest", fearing the tape was getting so old it would disintegrate one of the times we played it, and that would be that.
The other day one of the songs started going through my head as I was getting ready to go to school. I hadn't thought of Harvest in ages, so I have no idea what made me think of it. It made me want to listen to it again though, so I grabbed my tape on the way out the door, and listened to it on the way to school. It brought back good memories, besides just the wonderful lyrics. I thought I'd share some of my favorites here.

"Behold God":

"It's Alright Now":

"Because I Am":

"Mountain Climber":

3. Aunt Winny and the two little cousins (who aren't so little any more. I guess I really can't call them that much longer...) came to visit from off the mission field for the holidays. I hope to elaborate on their visit in another post. Anyway, they went to see her parents in another state before coming here, and they sent a truckload of satsumas and grapefruits to us for Thanksgiving! I absolutely LOVE anything in the orange family - satsumas, tangerines, oranges...
And there were so many we could eat them to our heart's content and not worry about taking them from somebody else who wanted them! I started to peel one, and the scent when the outer skin first broke was so amazingly sweet. Probably one of my favorite smells in the world is the smell an orange lets off when the peel is first broken.
There's got to be an object lesson in that somewhere.

4. With the company coming, The Grandmother bought about six half-gallons of eggnog! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! That first sip after a year, was pure bliss.

5. On a cold night, when you're using your heaviest blankets, toe socks and flannel pajamas, nothing is quite so effective at warding of cold misery like a home-made cornbag. If you do not know what a corn bag is, you can find lots on Etsy.
Here are a couple of examples:

This one is more like the ones we make and use, and is more flexible.

This one is probably more sturdy, but not as effective.

We make little pillow cases (or use odd ones we have laying around) for ours. It protects them from getting dirty (you can't wash the corn bag, but you can wash the pillow case), and adds sturdiness to them too.

Just FYI, I hope to start making them available in my Etsy shop this coming year.

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