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"With God, all things are possible."


Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Resolutions - 2014

New Year's Resolutions. Some people love 'em. Some people hate 'em. Some people don't let it bother them much either way. Like me.

I had 'New Year's Resolutions' for 2010. I had them for 2011. I sort-of had some for 2012. I didn't do any for 2013, except for one of the left-overs from 2012.

This year, I'm going to [try to] do 'New Year's Resolutions' again. But this year is going to be harder than all the previous ones, I think.

1. Memorize a book of the Bible.
2. Do the Radical Experiment.

On {1.}: Memorizing the Bible has been important to Christians through the centuries.
It was (is - my mom celebrated a milestone birthday recently and wouldn't let herself open her presents until she'd quoted Philippians 1 for us. It had been her goal to have it memorized by her birthday. You know, just a little shout-out to my mom there :) ) important to my parents as Trissy and I grew up and they worked to help us learn literally reams of Scripture. It's important to me now, and this past year has sharpened it's importance like I don't think it's ever been sharpened.
For a Christian, the Bible is his water, his food, his warmth, his rest, his very breath and life!!
Memorization is difficult. But what more worthy subject to exert the struggle on than This?!
So, one of my resolutions is to memorize at least one book of the Bible. I'm not sure which one yet, but I'm thinking one of Paul's books (so practical and useful for just every-day advice!), maybe Ephesians or Colossians. We'll see.

On {2.}: I take a deep breath on this one. See this post.

A very short list, yet a pretty formidable one. But life has got to change. I've got to change. I don't want to be one of those just-average Christians who goes through life content to float along saved and satisfied. I don't want to stop learning about the Lord, and I don't want my love for Him and others to stop growing, until the day I die; or even beyond that, for that matter.

2014. God help me.

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