
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Radical Experiment

In November, I started listening to an audio version of David Platt's thought-provoking book Radical during my morning bicycle rides. I finished it Christmas morning, and I don't think that was a coincidence. Toward the end of the book, a challenge is issued that Platt calls the Radical Experiment.

Below is a brief overview of the challenge, taken from the book's website:

'The Radical Experiment is a year-long commitment to five specific challenges:

1) To pray for the entire world
2) To read through the entire Word
3) To commit our lives to multiplying community
4) To sacrifice our money for a specific purpose
5) To give our time in another context

Pray for the entire world
Using the resources provided by Operation World, pray for the entire world over the course of a year.

Read through the entire Word
Using a chronological Bible Reading plan, read through the entire Bible.

Commit your life to multiplying community
Commit yourself wholeheartedly to the local church. But even deeper than that, commit yourself to a small group that is intentionally sharing, showing, and teaching the Word while serving the world together.

Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose
For the next year, look at all of your expenses ... through the lens of specific need in the world. Work to set a cap on your lifestyle so that you can free up as much of your resources as possible for the sake of the glory of Christ in His church, among the lost, and among the poor.

Spend your time in another context
As you are making disciples in your community, commit ... to give 2% (one week) of your time in Gospel ministry outside of your community for the sake of God’s glory in all the world.'

When I finished the book (on Chrismas Day, no less), I wondered if the Lord timed it so that I could start and do this radical experiment during the year of 2014. To be honest, I was (am) afraid. It is radical. And though in my heart I know that I am not a 'complacent Christian' (I'm not satisfied with just being secure in my confidence that I will go to Heaven when I die, and then going through my life only caring for 'number one'! I want to live for the Lord and obey the Bible with all my strength, I want to share His Love with people who don't have Him as their Savior, I want Him to use me to lead them toward Him and Heaven and away from death and Hell. I want to live a pure and Godly life in front of other Christians and the watching world.), yet I know I'm not where I need to be. A Christian never reaches a 'stopping point' in their life of learning and growing in Christ - no matter how wise or old or knowledgeable they have become. And I have a long way to go towards all three.

I was afraid to commit my coming year to this challenge. I was afraid I'd fail at it, that all the pieces would not fall in place for me to be able to accomplish such a goal. But mostly, I'll admit, I was afraid of what it (what the Lord) will require of me through it; I'm afraid of pain and sacrifice.

In a friend's family Christmas card and newsletter we received the day after Christmas, a layout and plan for reading through the Bible in a year was inclosed. Well. Okay.
Excuse number one (not having a read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year plan handy), gone.

I got online and found the Operation World website, and discovered that their Prayer Calendar was on the website; the book was more in-depth, but was optional.
Excuse number two (not having the book or the money or time to buy it before the New Year started), gone.

I'm already part of a local church that I love and am devoted to. And that church has small groups that work together in ministries in our community and in other parts of the world.
So, number three taken care of.

I already am very careful with my money. I don't make alot to begin with, forcing me to stretch it. On top of that, I already try to be wise with how I spend it on myself, and to be generous with it for the sake of others who would benefit from it more than I could. But I have other assets and resources that I may be called on to give up, through this experiment.
Number four, in progress.

And number five. This is the hardest one. I don't know if I will have an opportunity to fulfill this one. The only mission trip Victory Rd. is planning to take this year is one to Nicaragua in April. I don't even really want to go to Nicaragua. Besides, it's so expensive! Does the Lord want me to give up my already-very-limited income to go on a one-week trip?
Well, if He wants me to, it will work out. In spite of me. If He has another option, I don't see it. Yet.
Number five will have to be left up completely to Him.

Sooooo... I guess I'll be attempting this thing this year. I am very nervous. 2013 was such a year of turmoil, in my own personal little world. And the world as a whole is not getting any better.
I dread 2014. This may sound negative, even morbid maybe, and I appologize, but I'm just laying it out - I woke up this moring with a light but very uncomfortable feeling of depression; that feeling would have been more accute, if it were not for the quiet calm and relaxing spirit of the rest of my family who seem to be enjoying this New Year's holiday.

On a side note, I think the Lord might be wanting me to quit my job at the restaurant. I have no idea why, and can't explain the impression, but I just can't shake it. It makes no sense. Especially if I'm going to be going on a mission trip and going to be more involved with trying to help others, I'm going to need money! And my job at the academy is just not enough.
Not to mention the fact that the restaurant presents great opportunities to share the love of Christ.
I would appreciate any fellow believers that may read this to pray for wisdom for me.

"Radical" is a deeply thought-provoking book for Christians who literally want to spend their lives serving Christ - or for Christians that need waking up. I would highly recommend it; just be prepared - it is not named "Radical" for nothing, and you will probably not be the same person at the last page that you were at the first page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you, Kyrie. I love you and will be praying for you. May our Lord be glorified to the fullest extent possible through our little lives.