
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, March 8, 2013

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 75

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Stars

2. Hearing: Justice And Noel Are Staying

3. Smell:

4. Taste: Ava's Red Velvet Cake Balls

5. Touch: Shower Wall

The stories behind the list:

1. When I came in from work Thursday night, I was pretty worn out. But I was still trying to get a bunch of my stuff done around the house that gets put off because of work. I had something that was supposed to go in my car to be taken somewhere, so I hurried outside to put it in my car for the next day. But when I got outside, I stopped hurrying. The stars were amazing. It was a perfectly clear night and I could see them laid out in text-book clarity. The sky was a dark rich blue deepness and the stars were scattered diamonds, shining in the brilliance of something reflecting perfect light. Points of glitter, shining perfection piercing my desperate haste.
Their stunning beauty, and the resulting implication of how incredible their Designer has to be, brought back the words of a dear young friend: 'Hey, the stars are powerful!"

2. For this story, see the 'Sunday night edit' towards the end of this post.


4. Sweet Ava is desperately wanting to learn how to cook. Especially since her husband knows more than she does in that department, and she wants to be the one to cook for him, not the other way around :) . She is branching out and trying new things along. She gets alot of ideas and recipes from the internet, especially Pinterest. Last week she made some red velvet cake balls. She was so proud of herself and when Trissy and I stopped by their house one evening for something, she insisted on sending some home with us! I'm really trying to eat less dessert, so I didn't try them for a few days, but when I did, I wanted to 'ration' them and make them last as long as possible - they were so yummy!

5. In December, our college group decided to suspend our Thursday Night College Bible Study until the new year, with how busy everyone was for the holidays and all. I thought to myself then, 'If we quit now, we're liable not to start back.'
And we haven't.
This Thursday night I was feeling probably the 'down-est' I've felt about it since we unofficially quit. Things have slowed back down now, and there's a Thursday evening gap in my life now that used to be filled with friends, Christian fellowship, discussion, ideas, challenges, encouragement, exhortation, fun, and Bible study. Not that those things don't exist other places as well... it's just that, those times were something extra special. Memories, priceless lessons, and I hate to know they're gone.
I felt so exhausted as I got ready for bed. Not just physically, but, it seemed like my very soul was just tired. In the shower, I leaned against the wall and prayed. And in the warm water and the solid, smooth shower wall, I felt like the Lord was sending me comfort and strength. Weird maybe, but I believe He uses little things like that.

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