
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Monday, January 10, 2011

Life Is Sweet

I've been wanting to do a post similar to this idea for quite some time. So the other day when I read this post on Lucy's blog, I decided to join in :) (I stole the Roman Numeral idea from her too). Later, I may do 'mine'. Or I may do this one again, but with ten other things that bring me joy :) . We'll see. For now, I hope you enjoy this peek into what makes me "me" - what brings me joy.

I. Being outside during thunderstorms
II. Godly teenagers
III. Amazing Grace played on bagpipes
(Note: Click here to hear/see the most incredible version of this hymn I've ever experienced - just listen to it first, then go back and watch it)
IV. Working with my hands
V. A good read
VI. Laying in the wet grass at night, looking at the stars, while my friends try to find me
(there's a story to this one)
VII. Psalms 107:8-22
VIII. Pleasing someone I love
IX. Sherwood Pictures
X. Going barefoot

Life Is Sweet


Anonymous said...

Hi, Kyrie! First I'd like to thank you for leaving a comment on my blog and secondly for joining my "Life is Sweet" meme! :)

As for my book, I'm finishing the first one as I speak (er, type rather. ;) I'm in the midst of a very intense climax so hopefully what I'm typing makes sense. I'm very out of it all at the moment. ;) Glad to know you'd be interested in the book! :)


Annie (larkin) said...

Thank you SO much for criticizing my excerpts in so much detail! It is incredibly helpful in realizing my mistakes. Also, thank you for the encouragement you continue to give. It makes my often lonesome editing more inspired. Thank you thank you thank you!

In Christ,
Queen Lucy