
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, October 19, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 55

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Fall Mornings

2. Hearing: Bible Pages Turning

3. Smell:

4. Taste: Apples

5. Touch: Abigail's Hand

The stories behind the list:

1. I've been doing alot of bike riding recently, trying to get a constant routine of exercise going. I love to ride my bike, and since we live in the country it's even nicer. We have a path Dad's cleared through our woods around our land, and I've been riding that circle. These fall mornings are so beautiful and make it even more enjoyable - the sun streaming through the trees, the dewdrops like tiny diamonds flashing from the tips of every leaf and grass-blade, and the rich red-ish soil of the neighbor's freshly-plowed pasture next to us.

2. Sunday morning Bro. Earl used alot of different Scripture references in his sermon, and really encouraged everyone to find each one and follow along in their Bibles.
Each time he announced a new reference, the whisper of pages turning would wash gently across the auditorium like a refreshing summer shower through the leaves of a forest.


4. I've always loved apples, but recently I've found myself almost starving for them! Wednesday, over the course of the day, I had four!

5. This past Wednesday night was Victory Rd.'s yearly walk/run that I told a little more about in this post from last year. Towards the end of the night, Abigail and I were walking together, joking, being silly, and generally enjoying each others' company. We each had a cold water bottle and she decided the chilly moisture on the outside of hers would be fun to wipe off and rub down my bare arm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kyrie! I am soo glad to see that you are continuing the "Five Small Things Friday"s! I was concerned that you might discontinue them. I like reading about the things that have been meaningful to you during the week. I love you!
~Trissy :)