
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Monday, October 17, 2011

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 2

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".
For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: A living evidence of an answered prayer.

2. Hearing: A happy wren's evening song.

3. Smell: Bacon cooking at Waffle House.

4. Taste: Cool clean water after a 2.5 mile walk/run.

5. Touch: A child's hand in mine.

The stories behind the list:

1. Every year, on a Wednesday night in October, Victory Rd. meets at the college's football field / walking track instead of at church. We have a devotional on the bleachers, then the rest of the evening is spent eating supper, visiting, and walking/running on the track. The walk/run helps raise money for Life Word broadcast ministries.
This past Wednesday night was our walk/run. At one point I took a break and climbed up the bleachers to watch those on the track down below, and I saw Bro. Dennis and Mrs. Carrie were walking together. 'Strolling' is a more accurate word, though, since Mrs. Carrie's size is preventing her from moving very fast anymore :) . Bro. Dennis loves to 'work the crowds' and usually manages to seem like he's everywhere at once, but this time he was just walking with her. It was such a beautiful picture - him slowing down for her, the two of them chatting away as they walked, and the obvious evidence of answered prayers and new life. As I watched them, my heart overflowed with thankfulness, joy, and tremendous gratitude to the Lord for His goodness, compassion, and kindness - to them, and to those that love them!

2. I was washing my car Saturday evening, enjoying the fresh fall air. Suddenly a wren started singing at the edge of our yard. He was singing his little heart out, and it sounded like he was just so happy he had to praise the Lord :) . It made me glad.

3. As I got off work the other day, the Waffle House next door to the Academy was warming up for the supper crowd. It smelled SO good!

4. Wednesday night at the walk, I walked and ran a total of 2.5 miles. That's not that much, but a big drink of cool fresh water was so refreshing afterward! So many people don't have clean water at all - the Lord has been so good to me, even in things like clean water that I take so for granted sometimes.

5. During a huge part of my time on the track, one of my little after-school girls trotted along beside me. Her and her two brothers usually get picked up from school and taken straight to the church and dropped off for class on Wednesday nights, but since the church was meeting to walk this night and there was no class, they had come ahead anyway with the group of kids on the church bus. Their family situation is so sad and mixed up. I try to be a friend and a good influence during the time I have them at after-school, and I've gotten pretty close to them I think. She followed along beside me chatting away lap after lap, and she's only nine or ten. Once as we were walking along, she slipped her hand into mine. My heart ached for her and all others like her, but I was so thankful to think that maybe I could make a difference in her life.

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