
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Have I Learned In Three Years?

Well, today is my blog's third birthday. Three years ago today I was sitting at a computer in this same row, in this same library, in this same school, clicking the "Publish Blog" button, and starting on a whole new adventure in journal-keeping. How little did I imagine the enjoyment I would get, and the lessons I would learn from it.

What have I learned in three years?
Well, I know alot more about HTML than I did then!
I've learned that the 'outside world' really is as heartless, depraved, and sad as I'd always heard.
I've learned that there really are other Godly people out there - there is still hope for this heartless, depraved, sad world!
I've learned how to cook (a little bit better, anyway)!
I've learned to fall in love with photography. I've learned about photographic styles, and which I like best. I've learned Gimp is just about as good as Photoshop - and it's a whole lot cheaper (Gimp is free)! I've learned that I just don't have much photographic talent - yet!
I've learned that to plant Flowers, you've got to get your hands in the Dirt.
I've learned how to set up an Etsy shop.
I've learned to never take a good church for granted.
I've learned to never take good friends for granted.
I've learned that writing is rewarding. And that it's tough.
I've learned that God is sovereign.
I've learned to find pleasure in the small things.
I've learned alot about art.
I've learned alot about determination, perseverance, and how to "Do Hard Things".
I've learned that sometimes if you really want something to happen, you've got to go after it and make it happen.
I've learned that sometimes being introverted is a choice. Being extroverted is too.
I've learned that I love the color combination black and ivory.
I've learned that there are some books that are just not worth reading - even if they come highly recommended.
I've learned (again) that good people aren't perfect; the best and most mature Christian has a chink in his armor. The young and inexperienced Christians have a bunch!
I've learned that a mission trip is one of the most rewarding experiences a young person could have.
I've learned that prayer really is the greatest force on earth, and that if people know you believe that, they will open up their hearts to you and ask you to pray for things in their life.
I've learned that saying "goodbye" is sometimes the hardest thing you ever go through. I've also learned that there is no such thing as a wasted life in the kingdom of God.
I've learned about Christian apologetics and thinking logically.
I've learned that love must be tough always.
I've learned that thankfulness is the key to happiness.

Of course I'm being a tad facicious with some of the things on this list, but these really are areas where I have 'learned' in the past three years. Some things I learned from the ground up, some things I learned more about what I already knew a little bit about, some of the things were just transfers of what I knew in my head, to what I now TRULY BELIEVE, through tests and results, and seeing firsthand that they really are true.

Like about planting flowers in the dirt. Of course I knew that you plant flowers in dirt! But there's a two-fold meaning there. When the Lord told us to go into the world and tell others about Him, He didn't mean for us to do it from the safety of our own little clean, white, comfort zones. He didn't! He got down among the 'dirty' people He loved, and He planted seeds of beauty and Godliness in the Spiritual dirt. If we expect to share His saving grace with those who don't know Him, we must expect to get in among them, love them with His love, and be willing to get our hands dirty to show them how much we care. In my time at college, I've had a hard time getting past barriers like dress, bad language, inappropriate topics, and other things about the people I'm around that I have nothing in common with. But the Lord has helped me work on that (after all, these people don't know Him; how else would lost people be expected to act?!) and learn how to try to be a friend and show HIM to them, through how I conduct myself and how I care about them.

I've learned alot in the past three years. And the above is by no means an exhaustive list!
It's been an interesting journey. I wonder what the next three years will bring... Maybe it's best that I don't know now.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Happy birthday to your blog Kyrie!
My mom, Jenna and I have so enjoyed getting to know you through the blog-world...Keep reflecting the light of our Savior to those around you.
