
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, September 14, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 50

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Abigail Laughing Sunday Morning / Elephant Text From Trissy

2. Hearing: Mom Greeting Our Cats

3. Smell: Hobby Lobby

4. Taste: Crackers With Lunchmeat And Melted Cheese

5. Touch:

The stories behind the list:

1. Sunday morning as I was singing in the choir, I got tickled at someone in the congregation. They were enjoying singing, and their head was bobbing in time to the cadence of the hymn, but it was more of a wobble than a bob, and something about it struck me funny. I must have been laughing as we sang - as my gaze moved across the congregation, Abigail caught my eye and gave me an I-see-you-laughing-up-there-enjoying-some-good-joke look. Her mouth had a quirk at each corner, and her eyes sparkled mischievously, and it made me start laughing again. I quickly looked away at another area of the auditorium, but the S. family sits right in the middle, so my eyes naturally kept moving across them. But every time I looked at Abigail, we would both start chuckling again, and I finally had to look up at a high place on the back wall to keep from seeing her and continuing to laugh in the choir and look ridiculous!
So Trissy randomly sends me this text yesterday:

Do you see it? It made my day!

2. Monday morning as I was getting ready for the day, I heard Mom at the back door, opening it for something, I'm not sure what. But our three cats were at the door waiting to be fed, and I heard Mom greet them with something like, "Well good morning kids! How are you this morning? Yeah, I know, Trissy's coming to feed you. Just a minute." It was so funny and so nice, it just made me smile!

3. We went to Hobby Lobby briefly the other day to get a frame for a pen-and-ink I did of the White Carnation. The smell of that store is like Fall, Christmas, and craft supplies all combined.

4. We had a handful of crackers, cheese slices, and lunchmeat rolls that we'd saved from helping clean up after a wedding Saturday, and Trissy had been eating them for lunch. There were just a couple left, so she saved some for me. I put a slice of ham on each cracker, with a slice of Cheddar or Swiss cheese on top of that, and warmed it in the microwave for a few seconds so that the ham was sizzling and the cheese was melted over the top. Talk about yummy.


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