
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, September 28, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 52

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Peppers And Persimmons On The Counter

2. Hearing: Mennonite Congregation Singing "I Love You Lord" A Cappella

3. Smell: My Mint Growing / Trissy's Oatmeal

4. Taste: Cookies And Cream Ice Cream

5. Touch: Hug From Law

Experience: Witnessing to a co-worker.

The stories behind the list:

1. A neighbor friend gave us some peppers and persimmons this week and when I came in from work, Mom and Trissy had them out on the counter. The fall colors were so wonderful together - red and deep green and pale green of the bell peppers and banana peppers, bright orange of the persimmons, and the dark blue counter top.

2. Trissy was listening to a set of live sermons by a Mennonite pastor while she ironed clothes the other day. At one point the congregation sang the old song "I Love You Lord" a cappella - SO beautiful!

3. I have struggled to grow mint (and other herbs) for some time, with varying degrees of failure. The only thing that I have been what you could call 'successful' with, has been mint. A friend gave me some small plants from her garden a couple of years ago, but, long story short, I inadvertently killed them. But last year Mrs. H., my college instructor, gave me some more, and I put them out in one of our garden beds by our sliding patio door. Saturday I was pulling some weeds from that bed, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the mint has really seemed to thrive there. The plants are multiplying nicely, and the fragrance came up to greet me as I pulled weeds from around them.  I have high hopes for my future in mint now ;) !
Sunday morning Trissy made herself a bowl of oatmeal. Now, that may sound simple enough, but you don't know Trissy and her love of and obsession with creating *ahem* new recipes. It wasn't simply a 'bowl of oatmeal'. It was a concoction. An adventure. An experiment. A masterpiece. And it smelled amazing.
It was the strangest sensation, but it reminded me of fall, Christmas, Victory Rd., people I love, rain, reading, adventure, Narnia, and a whole mixture of many of my other passions and loves all rolled into one unbearably wonderful smell. I can't explain it. It was so strange! But I made her write down as close as she could remember, how she made it!

4. I only eat sugary desserts every other day. And since I've been working at a fast-food place for two weeks, I've eaten even less. So a little bowl of cookies-and-cream ice cream when I got to the house after work Wednesday was very enjoyable!

5. There is a long story behind this one. A story very close to my heart because of how the Lord has used it to grow me in my walk with Him, and because of the dear people involved in it. Maybe you remember me talking about Law on this blog before, and my great concern and hope for this precious young man. Well, long story short, the Lord used me to encourage him this past week, and Sunday he gave me a hug. Law doesn't just give hugs.
Note: I am working on a blog post telling the story.

Experience: Yesterday at work I got to witness to one of my co-workers at the fast-food place. She was very open, and seemed to appreciate me trying to help her. Please pray for her. Her name is Toby.

Note: Technically, this post marks one year of "5 Small Things Friday", though I plan to post one more so the dates are closer to a year.
I have created a post every week (except one, I believe, so that week's was late), though some of them have not yet been published. I hope to finish editing them and publish them.
My dilemma is this: Should I go on with the "5 Small Things Friday" posts? If you have an opinion, please vote on the sidebar at the top-right of the blog.

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