
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, February 17, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 20

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: Seeing Mrs. S. Follows Me On Pinterest

2. Hearing: Mrs. Carrie Asking Me To Hold Maxwell

3. Smell: Andrea's Potato Soup

4. Taste: Candy Corn Cupid

5. Touch: J.'s Hand On My Shoulder

The stories behind the list:

1. Yeah, I'm on Pinterest now. At first I wasn't quite sure about it; but once I figured out how to work things, it has become a very inspiring and creative tool. I do have to be careful or I'll end up wasting alot of time there though :) !
Several people I know are on Pinterest, including Mrs. S., and this week I noticed that she'd started 'following' me!

2. This past Sunday was Trissy's and my turn for nursery, and at one point Mrs. Carrie came in to feed Maxwell. She had her arms full, trying to juggle him and a couple of bags and things too. Trissy was holding another baby, and Mrs. Carrie turned to me and asked, "Would you mind holding him for a minute?" Would I mind?! How on earth could I mind?! I was thrilled!!

3. Sunday nights after church, the college kids get together for supper at one of the married couples' houses to share some time together. But something we've started trying to do recently, is one Sunday night a month we (the college kids) host a 'fun night' for the younger kids (5th grade and up) with supper and games after church, instead of our usual college fellowship time. We want to form relationships with the younger kids, hopefully providing solid Christian friendships for them to be able to rely on, as well as developing an influence we can use to help lead them in Godly paths for their lives. This past Sunday night was one of those 'college-hosted youth fun nights', and Andrea made potato soup for it. Potato soup has got to be one of the best foods in the world, and the smell of it was deliciously overwhelming when I walked in.

4. There's no candy quite like candy corn. I'm not entirely sure why, but candy corn and candy corn 'shapes' hold a very special place in my heart. Somehow they take me back to a special time in my childhood. I can't really put my finger on a specific event or occasion, but the feeling is still there, and I love that candy for it. Besides, they're just plain delicious :) .
After Valentine's Day all the stores put the Valentines items on sale or clearance, trying to get rid of this suddenly-outdated stuff. I was whizzing through Wal*Mart on some errand this week, and took a minute to dash through the Valentines section to see if there was anything I might be interested in. There was.
One lone plastic carton of those 'shapes', made out of the same sort of stuff as candy corn. You know, at Thanksgiving they have cartons with the candy corn, and little pumpkins, and sometimes Indians and ears of corn and such too. And at Valentine's Day, they have hearts and arrows and little cupids. There was one carton left. One. How could I go off and leave it?! But, even though on sale, it was still more expensive than my penny-pinching self could justify paying. I knew if I waited long enough, the price would go down some more. But what if someone else bought it in the meantime? So, yes I did, I hid that box in among some big stuffed teddy bears and left it in their capable paws :) . A few days later, after the prices went down some more, I went back and bought it.
When I got back to the house, I told Mom and Trissy about the whole little adventure, and invited them to join me in eating just one (we're trying to cut back on our sugar intake) of the delicious treats. They agreed :) . There were three different kinds of shapes in the box, cupids, hearts, and something else (don't remember for sure what), as well as three colors, red, pink, and white, so it was perfect - we each had a different shape and a different color :) .
I can't even begin to describe how good that pink candy-corn cupid was!

5. On Thursday mornings there is a group from The Grandparents' church that comes to the breakfast at the church. Among the boys is a young man, J. - about 15 years old - who is very shy, and very strong in his Christian principles. According to The Grandmother, these two traits have caused him to be quite friendless at school (the other boys from that church either go to another school, or are in a different grade, I believe, so they don't get to be together much). Trissy and I have tried to make a point to welcome and befriend these kids, but especially J., who doesn't seem to have many friends.
Yesterday as the kids were all trooping in, I spoke to them and said hello to J., calling him by name, but I was already in a conversation with someone else, so I just got to briefly say hi, then turned back to the other person. But a moment later I felt a sort of clumsy and brief but gentle pat on my shoulder and, looking back, saw J. walking past to put his book bag in the pile against the wall.

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