
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter - 2013

The day began beautifully, with Dad, Trissy and me attending the Easter Sunrise Service in the parking lot of The Grandparents' church.  It was a lovely morning - fresh, and a little chilly. There was a deep fog overhead and curling around the trees in the woods at the edges of the church property, but the sun was coming up high behind the mist, making our atmosphere under the fog bright, cool, and full of a sort of 'wondering'.
The dear song leader, who's been at that church since my childhood, led us acapella in the hymn, "He Lives" and our lifted voices sounded small in the lovely space of the outdoors.

The dear pastor then stood to preach. He'd been a missionary in Albania years ago, at the same time Uncle Alvin and his family had been there. They'd become friends, and his family and ours never lost contact. Now he's the pastor of the church The Grandparents are members of. A Godly man, and a tall, big man; he's always struck me as one of those "larger-than-life" types that legends and stories might have been written about in the old days. And what a heart for good and for God!
He used 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 as the Scripture reference, and spoke on "the evidence, the essence, and the effect" of the Gospel.
My (somewhat limited) sermon notes:

Bro. _____ ______
Easter Morning - Mar. 31, 2013
1 Corinthians 15:1-11

1) The Essence of the Gospel
* What is the Gospel? The Gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.
* Christians have Hope.
* All other religious leaders (the creators of all the other major religions) are in their graves still.
* We serve a risen Savior!

2) The Evidence of the Gospel
* He was seen of Cephas (verse 5)
* then of the twelve (verse 5)
* then of more than 500 at once (verse 6).
* How many witnesses do you need?!
* Blessed are those who have not seen, but believe (John 20:29).
* Our present-day Salvation is just as real as their encounters with Him then.
* He's alive, and He's still 'in business' today.

3) The Effect of the Gospel
* verses 2a and 10
* What does God want for/from/through you/your life?
* None of us is living out the full effect of Christ in our lives.

It was the first "sunrise service" I'd been to in years; probably the first since my family moved from that church years ago. It was so good to experience one again!

When we got back to our house, Trissy and I quickly ate breakfast and hurried on to Victory Rd. - we were singing in the choir for the Easter program, and Bro. Blake wanted all the choir members to be there early. Dad and Mom would come closer to time for the service to start.

It was a good morning. The morning was still foggy, but bright, as choir members arrived one by one. We convened in the choir room, greeting each other and laughing as we found our formal Easter- and Christmas-Program choir robes and slipped them on over our Sunday outfits, adjusting the reversible collars so the mauve side showed and they hung straight. Bro. Blake led us in an acapella run-through of the first song as a warm-up. People began arriving and filling the auditorium, soon it was time to start, and we lined up and filed out into the choir as we do every Sunday morning.
Bro. Blake led the congregation in the hymn "Because He Lives", and then the choir began our presentation. I think it went the best it has of all our practices and everything! It's a great cantata, using strong songs like "What Held You On The Cross", "The Story Goes On", and "Crucified With Christ". The Lord blessed Bro. Blake to direct us, and our voices to blend and harmonize and soar high, and I hope those who heard it received as big of a blessing from it as I did!
When our program ended, Bro. Jeremiah preached a stirring and victorious sermon about how we, as Christians, have joy and victory and fulfillment in life because of "the third day" - when Jesus our Lord rose from the grave!!
One of my co-workers from the restaurant was there with her grandparents (who are members of Victory Rd.) and as soon as I could after church was over, I went to hug her and talk a few minutes, and say hello to her little two-year-old son. I was so glad to see her! I don't think she knows the Lord - she doesn't live like it anyway - and I want so badly to be a Christian friend and example to her. I hope and pray she soon will accept Jesus's love and peace for herself.
Dear Toby was at church, even with his leg in a brace, and though he had to hobble in on crutches. Lindy sat with him and his family, lending her sweet touch and support. Poor guy, his mom said he's been trying to not take so much of the pain medicine, and he was hurting pretty bad by the time church was over. Between him and Russell (who was home for Easter and is practically an adopted member of that family), after church that pew was pretty much surrounded for a while with church members glad to see those two boys back - wanting to say hello to Russell and express sympathy over Toby's knee.
Trissy had found out that Bro. Nick and Lydia didn't have any plans for the rest of the day, so after a brainstorm, a request to Dad and Mom to invite them over for dinner and the afternoon, and a spur-of-the-moment affirmative decision by our parents, Trissy and I swung by their house as we left the church. We caught them about to leave for lunch, but when we presented our proposition, they gladly accepted.

We had two of the local cousins (Uncle Alvin's oldest son and daughter who live only about 45 minutes away. The son's wife was sick, and the daughter's husband had to work, so they weren't there.) and their children and Bro. Nick and Lydia's family all at The Grandparents for lunch. After cleaning up the kitchen, we sat around and chatted and visited and fellowshipped, while all the kids had a wonderful time together playing in The Grandparents big yard, and in the playhouse that Dad built for Trissy and me when we were small.

Bro. Nick and Lydia left fairly early in the afternoon, but some of the cousins stuck around. Evening church services were canceled at both Victory Rd. and The Grandparents' church (which seems absolutely ridiculous to me - the most important holiday in our Christian faith and church services are canceled?! Makes no sense...), so we spent the rest of the day at The Grandparents, just spending time together.

Most of the adults found a couch or chair or a spot on the floor and curled up with a throw pillow and blanket for a nap. The kids that weren't put down for a nap played outside or read or colored quietly.
Sitting at the computer blogging, I looked over and noticed my cousin's almost-thirteen-year-old son had a thick book with him where he was curled up on the couch, and asked him what he was reading. It was "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C. S. Lewis, in one volume. We got started talking about books and authors and styles, and I found out some of his thoughts and opinions on different ones. It was a really great conversation! Come to think of it, we had several really fun conversations throughout the day! He helped The Grandmother get the TV in the living room fixed so that they could watch videos and DVDs on it, and it hasn't worked in months; and over lunch he showed me this neat math trick with nine squares drawn on a piece of paper. I remember when that kid was born, and to see him now growing up so smart and with such good tastes is just such a happy feeling!

When everyone started getting up from naps, the kids asked The Grandmother if they could watch an episode of "Sue Thomas, F.B.Eye" (she has the collection on DVD). Soon the house was humming again - some sitting around the kitchen table looking at pictures and discussing Pinterest ideas, some watching Sue Thomas in the living room (I joined this group and sat and crocheted while watching the show), some raiding the kitchen for a snack from the lunch left-overs, and some of the littlest kiddos still napping on the den floor.

It was a peaceful, fun afternoon that faded to an enjoyable evening.

Trissy wasn't feeling good, so as people began getting ready for bed (one of the cousin's and her kids decided to spend the night), I took her back to our house and then went back to help Mom finish cleaning up. On my way back, I flipped on the radio and heard "I Know My Redeemer Lives", one of the songs from one of the cantatas we did at Victory Rd. several years ago (That seems strange to say, "several years ago". Strange to think we've been at Victory Rd. long enough to be able to say it). Probably my favorite of the Easter cantatas we've done. As I pulled up to The Grandparents' garage, that song ended and the next one started. It was "Great I Am". Sigh.

Mom was still talking with my cousin, so I finished gathering our things and loading up our food and all into our van, then sat and listened to their conversation until Mom was ready to go. Not that I was anti-social or anything, it had just been a long day, I'd been missing alot of sleep lately, and I was really tired.

When we got back to the house, I helped Mom unload everything, got a couple of sheets, and sank into the recliner in our living room. I was so tired, I didn't even want to change out of my regular clothes into pajamas so I could sleep in my bed. But I went to sleep with a full, grateful heart, and slept probably the best I have in weeks.

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