What a glorious day! The Lord is so good! His mercy and kindness never fail!
This afternoon saw a host of friends and family gathered to witness the marriage of Austin and Ava - and Trissy and I rejoiced at an answer to prayer. At some point in mid-2011 we began praying that the Lord would send the perfect girl to Austin - the one most fitting him and most able to complement him in their service of God together - and that while he was a certain age, they would be married. Austin met Ava in December 2011, and today, thirteen days after his birthday, we got to be at their wedding.
What joy and gladness I feel! How pleasured and blessed I am to have been able to witness the holy uniting of one of my dearest 'adopted brothers' and one of my best friends - for such are Austin and Ava to me.
"Everything that exists in the world, including each life, is really only a pattern of light and darkness." -Anon.
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Looking Forward
I must confess, in many respects I am not looking forward to January. In fact, I'm dreading it. The new year is expected to bring many changes. And not all of them are happy ones.
I don't like change anyway. At least not to a large extent. I like things to get comfortable - and stay that way.
A few things this January is bringing that I am not looking forward to:
(1) Bro. Mike and his wife and Camille leaving as missionaries to the Philippines.
(2) A new youth pastor and his family coming to take Bro. Mike's family's place.
(3) Justice and Noel (who'd applied to fill Bro. Mike's position but were not chosen) possibly moving to the 'big city' a few hours north to be over the youth ministry at a church there.
(4) Archer leaving the youth music group to go to college an hour away, and therefore also
(5) The beginning of the disintegration of the youth music group as it is now: Austin, Archer, me, Julia, Simon, and Law.
A few things this January is bringing that I am looking forward to:
(1) Another church mission trip to the children's home and ranch in a neighboring state.
(2) A week-end retreat/youth conference led by the church The Grandparents attend. The youth pastor has asked our youth music group to be the music leaders for it.
(3) The Strength to Stand conference in Tennessee.
Besides these things, I have a mild but uncharacteristic fear when I think of the coming year. So much has changed this past year that I so completely did not see coming. Good and bad.
I have an indomitable hope that the new year will bring the kind of change that will move us as a church back to the blessed ground we stood on at the beginning of 2012, and even move us higher! For that is the goal - higher, always higher; in service for the Lord and growth in His ways.
The struggles and losses and heartbreak of this past summer, especially coming after the soaring gladnesses that there had been... I shudder when I look mentally at the mountain that is before us, taunting us to try to overcome. Us as a church. Us as individuals.
Where are we going? Will we be strong in the face of discouragement or worse? What does 2013 bring us? When Dec. 31, 2013 comes and we turn to look at the past year for the last time, will we see loss or gain? Victory or defeat? Tears of joy or tears of sadness? Black clouds or bright sunlight?
And so I fight my battle against worry. Against fear.
I am afraid. I am hopeful, but I am afraid. Is it wrong to admit it? I don't think so. For I know in Whom I trust. I know my Lord has it all planned out, and nothing that happens, or doesn't, is outside of His doing and control.
God help us be true!
I don't like change anyway. At least not to a large extent. I like things to get comfortable - and stay that way.
A few things this January is bringing that I am not looking forward to:
(1) Bro. Mike and his wife and Camille leaving as missionaries to the Philippines.
(2) A new youth pastor and his family coming to take Bro. Mike's family's place.
(3) Justice and Noel (who'd applied to fill Bro. Mike's position but were not chosen) possibly moving to the 'big city' a few hours north to be over the youth ministry at a church there.
(4) Archer leaving the youth music group to go to college an hour away, and therefore also
(5) The beginning of the disintegration of the youth music group as it is now: Austin, Archer, me, Julia, Simon, and Law.
A few things this January is bringing that I am looking forward to:
(1) Another church mission trip to the children's home and ranch in a neighboring state.
(2) A week-end retreat/youth conference led by the church The Grandparents attend. The youth pastor has asked our youth music group to be the music leaders for it.
(3) The Strength to Stand conference in Tennessee.
Besides these things, I have a mild but uncharacteristic fear when I think of the coming year. So much has changed this past year that I so completely did not see coming. Good and bad.
I have an indomitable hope that the new year will bring the kind of change that will move us as a church back to the blessed ground we stood on at the beginning of 2012, and even move us higher! For that is the goal - higher, always higher; in service for the Lord and growth in His ways.
The struggles and losses and heartbreak of this past summer, especially coming after the soaring gladnesses that there had been... I shudder when I look mentally at the mountain that is before us, taunting us to try to overcome. Us as a church. Us as individuals.
Where are we going? Will we be strong in the face of discouragement or worse? What does 2013 bring us? When Dec. 31, 2013 comes and we turn to look at the past year for the last time, will we see loss or gain? Victory or defeat? Tears of joy or tears of sadness? Black clouds or bright sunlight?
And so I fight my battle against worry. Against fear.
I am afraid. I am hopeful, but I am afraid. Is it wrong to admit it? I don't think so. For I know in Whom I trust. I know my Lord has it all planned out, and nothing that happens, or doesn't, is outside of His doing and control.
God help us be true!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
The Christmas Story
The reason for Christmas. The reason for life. God almighty, Maker of the universe and all in it, coming to this poor sick world to be our Savior and Healer.
This is the story.
Merry Christmas.
This is the story.
"And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
(And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them."
Luke 2:1-20
Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Newsletter 2012
Below is a 'newsletter' of sorts I sent out to my friends and pen-pals this year, catching them up and filling them in on a few of the goings-on of my life in the past year. Much of it will mean little to most of you, but I included it here on my blog for those interested, and for my own record.
Dear friends, Dec. 20, 2012
I thought when I finished college last fall that somehow I would have ‘time’ again. Time to pleasure-read, time to write letters, to journal, to go for walks, to craft to my heart’s content, to study subjects other than school requirements, etc. What a myth! While I have been freed from late-night studying for tests and from stacks of impossible homework assignments, all that ‘free time’ that was supposed to materialize never showed up :) . I say all that by way of hopeful explanation for the neglect I’m sure some of you feel for my long letter-writing silence, and to warn you that it may become regular for my letters to be very few and far between :/ . I usually don’t like the idea of a mass mail-out – though those letters are just as heart-felt, they somehow seem not quite as personal as receiving a hand-written note with your own name at the top. But, I am learning that if I put off writing until I can write a personal letter to each of my dear friends, none of them will get anything! So here I am, doing the end-of-the-year-newsletter mail-out. Please be assured though, that each of you are personally thought of and loved as I type :) . So, on to ‘news’.
2012 has been a year of learning for me. Come to think of it, I could truthfully say that of the two years before it, for I spent them in learning of not only a spiritual and personal, but also an academic sort. But in the spiritual category, 2012 has seemed to be the ‘final test’ at the end of the semester. Seems like all the Lord has taught me 2009-2011 has been put to the test. I myself have been put to the test. My trust in the Lord’s power, my faith in His wisdom, my hope in His unfailing love, and my submission to His plans have all been tried. I was given success, realized dreams, and answered prayers. I was also given betrayal, hurt, and tears. Trials I had prepared myself to face never showed up, and instead I was presented with a series of entirely unexpected situations that have shaken me brutally. But praise God for the lectures and repeated lessons of the years before, and because of them the test, though hard, was not impossible to take, and I believe I made a passing grade. The fact that the Teacher is always available certainly is the greatest comfort!
With the Lord’s help, I did finish junior college last December, and ‘officially’ graduated in May with a technical degree in Web Development. As of right now, I do not have any plans to go on to a university.
I continue to work as an after-school employee at Victory Road Christian Academy, the Christian private school started by Victory Rd. Baptist Church – the church I am a member of. There are good days and bad days, but I love these kids so much! I can see so much growth in them, and they have taught me so much as well. My prayer is that I can be a Godly influence and use my time with them in the best possible way – they are so alert and eager and soak up whatever is going on around them. I want to always keep good examples and wholesome options present before their amazingly observant eyes and ears.
In September I took another small job, working at a little restaurant owned by a couple in the church. It’s uncomfortable at times, as I work closely with others who are not Christians and act like they are not. But it is a great witnessing opportunity and I am trying to build friendships with them. Two of my co-workers came to church a couple of weeks ago, and I was so excited – it was a big step for them. I love the fact that I am in constant contact with other local people. Even if I don’t have an opportunity to talk with them very long, at least I get to smile and wish them a great afternoon or a Merry Christmas. People notice a smile, and I love when one of the many hard or sad faces that comes by asks why I’m so happy. To get to tell them about the One Who gives real joy is the ultimate satisfaction.
Twice this year I have had the opportunity to go on state-side mission/service trips with Victory Rd., and since another mission trip to Trinidad was out for this year, Trissy and I both went on these two. In January we went to [a neighboring state] to a children’s home and ranch near [the state's capitol city]. It was cold, but it was a great time of hard work and also of fellowship and bonding with the other church members who went. In June we went to Illinois and an area near Chicago to help a church there. Again, lots of hard work, and lots of wonderful memories of time spent with church family. This trip may very well be the highlight of my year. I had hopes and even expectations for it, but the Lord gave me abundantly above what I even imagined!
When school started back in the fall, I was asked to help teach the junior-high class at church on Wednesday nights. Not being much of a teacher, I was hesitant to jump in, but there was a need for more help in that area and even before I was asked, I felt like the Lord was encouraging me to consider getting involved. Besides, for years I’ve had a great love for teen-agers and desired to be able to minister to them somehow. This wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind, but it would be good to get out of my ‘comfort zone’ a little. It has been very different than I imagined, even to the point of discouragement. Several times I’ve thought, “What am I even doing here?” But sticking with it, the Lord has showed me at least one young thirteen-year-old reason I think He has me there, and I myself have begun receiving great blessing from it.
Speaking of teenagers and my desire to minister to them, one of the great joys and sorrows of this year has been a young friend in the church. Satan is trying – through discouragement, misunderstanding, and bad advice from so-called ‘friends’ – to destroy the spirit and testimony of one of the young people of Victory Rd. The desire to serve and please the Lord is there, but difficulties and struggles are hitting hard and fast, knocking down good intentions and belittling the efforts of others to help. The highs and lows and ups and downs – the past few months especially – have been exhausting and discouraging for those who love this dear young person. Please pray for all involved, at least now as you read, but continued prayers would be SO appreciated! Pray for courage and spiritual strength for the teenager, wisdom for those who are trying to help, and ultimate great victory over Satan’s evil plans – for the glory of God.
And if you would, as you pray, please pray for Victory Road Church as a whole. The Lord has been using us in great ways, and I guess Satan decided he wanted to get busy and mess things up. We have faced a lot of hardship this past year. Ridiculous but effective attacks from inside have been the most harmful and hurtful. Thank you for all prayers!
Well, my time is running out and so is my mental energy :) . I’m sure I have hardly scratched the surface as far as all the opportunities the Lord has given me and all the things I have been involved in this past year, but I’ve tried to catch you all up on a couple of the highlights that have been the most influential on my life :) . I have no big job or career, I’m not in college any more, and I’m not married – things that I think many, if not most, people measure a successful life by. But I find my life very fulfilling. I love my two little jobs, the people, and the opportunities involved in both. I love my church, the precious dear friends in it, and the opportunities and doors the Lord has opened to me through it. Of course there are things in my life that I am not happy with, but no one could appreciate perfection if there were no such thing as flaws. So, if my life was ‘just perfect’, meaning, ‘just as I’d have it if I could’, I’d soon begin taking it for granted, forgetting the God Who gave it to me, and growing soft and weak. I hope I learn from the difficulties in my life, grow closer to God because of them, and become stronger through the struggling.
A very Merry Christmas to all of you, dear friends! Thank you to those who have kindly continued to keep me updated on your own lives :) . I hope the Lord has been proving Himself as mightily to you, and more, as He so mercifully has to me.
Closing with a verse that has come to mean a great deal to me in recent months,
Your friend,
Dear friends, Dec. 20, 2012
I thought when I finished college last fall that somehow I would have ‘time’ again. Time to pleasure-read, time to write letters, to journal, to go for walks, to craft to my heart’s content, to study subjects other than school requirements, etc. What a myth! While I have been freed from late-night studying for tests and from stacks of impossible homework assignments, all that ‘free time’ that was supposed to materialize never showed up :) . I say all that by way of hopeful explanation for the neglect I’m sure some of you feel for my long letter-writing silence, and to warn you that it may become regular for my letters to be very few and far between :/ . I usually don’t like the idea of a mass mail-out – though those letters are just as heart-felt, they somehow seem not quite as personal as receiving a hand-written note with your own name at the top. But, I am learning that if I put off writing until I can write a personal letter to each of my dear friends, none of them will get anything! So here I am, doing the end-of-the-year-newsletter mail-out. Please be assured though, that each of you are personally thought of and loved as I type :) . So, on to ‘news’.
2012 has been a year of learning for me. Come to think of it, I could truthfully say that of the two years before it, for I spent them in learning of not only a spiritual and personal, but also an academic sort. But in the spiritual category, 2012 has seemed to be the ‘final test’ at the end of the semester. Seems like all the Lord has taught me 2009-2011 has been put to the test. I myself have been put to the test. My trust in the Lord’s power, my faith in His wisdom, my hope in His unfailing love, and my submission to His plans have all been tried. I was given success, realized dreams, and answered prayers. I was also given betrayal, hurt, and tears. Trials I had prepared myself to face never showed up, and instead I was presented with a series of entirely unexpected situations that have shaken me brutally. But praise God for the lectures and repeated lessons of the years before, and because of them the test, though hard, was not impossible to take, and I believe I made a passing grade. The fact that the Teacher is always available certainly is the greatest comfort!
With the Lord’s help, I did finish junior college last December, and ‘officially’ graduated in May with a technical degree in Web Development. As of right now, I do not have any plans to go on to a university.
I continue to work as an after-school employee at Victory Road Christian Academy, the Christian private school started by Victory Rd. Baptist Church – the church I am a member of. There are good days and bad days, but I love these kids so much! I can see so much growth in them, and they have taught me so much as well. My prayer is that I can be a Godly influence and use my time with them in the best possible way – they are so alert and eager and soak up whatever is going on around them. I want to always keep good examples and wholesome options present before their amazingly observant eyes and ears.
In September I took another small job, working at a little restaurant owned by a couple in the church. It’s uncomfortable at times, as I work closely with others who are not Christians and act like they are not. But it is a great witnessing opportunity and I am trying to build friendships with them. Two of my co-workers came to church a couple of weeks ago, and I was so excited – it was a big step for them. I love the fact that I am in constant contact with other local people. Even if I don’t have an opportunity to talk with them very long, at least I get to smile and wish them a great afternoon or a Merry Christmas. People notice a smile, and I love when one of the many hard or sad faces that comes by asks why I’m so happy. To get to tell them about the One Who gives real joy is the ultimate satisfaction.
Twice this year I have had the opportunity to go on state-side mission/service trips with Victory Rd., and since another mission trip to Trinidad was out for this year, Trissy and I both went on these two. In January we went to [a neighboring state] to a children’s home and ranch near [the state's capitol city]. It was cold, but it was a great time of hard work and also of fellowship and bonding with the other church members who went. In June we went to Illinois and an area near Chicago to help a church there. Again, lots of hard work, and lots of wonderful memories of time spent with church family. This trip may very well be the highlight of my year. I had hopes and even expectations for it, but the Lord gave me abundantly above what I even imagined!
When school started back in the fall, I was asked to help teach the junior-high class at church on Wednesday nights. Not being much of a teacher, I was hesitant to jump in, but there was a need for more help in that area and even before I was asked, I felt like the Lord was encouraging me to consider getting involved. Besides, for years I’ve had a great love for teen-agers and desired to be able to minister to them somehow. This wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind, but it would be good to get out of my ‘comfort zone’ a little. It has been very different than I imagined, even to the point of discouragement. Several times I’ve thought, “What am I even doing here?” But sticking with it, the Lord has showed me at least one young thirteen-year-old reason I think He has me there, and I myself have begun receiving great blessing from it.
Speaking of teenagers and my desire to minister to them, one of the great joys and sorrows of this year has been a young friend in the church. Satan is trying – through discouragement, misunderstanding, and bad advice from so-called ‘friends’ – to destroy the spirit and testimony of one of the young people of Victory Rd. The desire to serve and please the Lord is there, but difficulties and struggles are hitting hard and fast, knocking down good intentions and belittling the efforts of others to help. The highs and lows and ups and downs – the past few months especially – have been exhausting and discouraging for those who love this dear young person. Please pray for all involved, at least now as you read, but continued prayers would be SO appreciated! Pray for courage and spiritual strength for the teenager, wisdom for those who are trying to help, and ultimate great victory over Satan’s evil plans – for the glory of God.
And if you would, as you pray, please pray for Victory Road Church as a whole. The Lord has been using us in great ways, and I guess Satan decided he wanted to get busy and mess things up. We have faced a lot of hardship this past year. Ridiculous but effective attacks from inside have been the most harmful and hurtful. Thank you for all prayers!
Well, my time is running out and so is my mental energy :) . I’m sure I have hardly scratched the surface as far as all the opportunities the Lord has given me and all the things I have been involved in this past year, but I’ve tried to catch you all up on a couple of the highlights that have been the most influential on my life :) . I have no big job or career, I’m not in college any more, and I’m not married – things that I think many, if not most, people measure a successful life by. But I find my life very fulfilling. I love my two little jobs, the people, and the opportunities involved in both. I love my church, the precious dear friends in it, and the opportunities and doors the Lord has opened to me through it. Of course there are things in my life that I am not happy with, but no one could appreciate perfection if there were no such thing as flaws. So, if my life was ‘just perfect’, meaning, ‘just as I’d have it if I could’, I’d soon begin taking it for granted, forgetting the God Who gave it to me, and growing soft and weak. I hope I learn from the difficulties in my life, grow closer to God because of them, and become stronger through the struggling.
A very Merry Christmas to all of you, dear friends! Thank you to those who have kindly continued to keep me updated on your own lives :) . I hope the Lord has been proving Himself as mightily to you, and more, as He so mercifully has to me.
Closing with a verse that has come to mean a great deal to me in recent months,
'Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.'
Joshua 1:9
Your friend,
Friday, December 21, 2012
"5 Small Things Friday" No. 64

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".
For this week, here is my list:
1. Sight: My Half-Card Matching Lindy's
2. Hearing: The Grandmother Playing The Piano
3. Smell: Earwarmer
4. Taste: Chicken Salad
5. Touch: Nicole Sticking A Bow In My Hair
The stories behind the list:
1. At a church Christmas party Tuesday night, at the end of the evening, a basket was passed around full of Christmas cards cut in half. Each person took half a card, and when the basket was empty, everyone went around looking for the person who had the other half of their card. That would be your 'Prayer Partner' for the coming year. My half matched Lindy's, and we had a great conversation sharing prayer requests, needs, concerns, and blessings we could pray for each other about.
2. I was at The Grandparents' house yesterday and The Grandmother went into the living room and started playing the piano that had belonged to her mother. She was playing "Trust and Obey", probably from memory, and I stopped to appreciate her old-school style and the great words of the song. It's a privilege I won't have forever.
3. Months ago, Piper asked me to teach her to crochet and to knit. Long story short, we never could seem to work out our schedules so that we could get together and do that, so she began gathering knowledge from her grandmother and on her own, and basically taught herself to crochet. She is getting more and more creative with her skills, and I have been so proud of her determination and persistence. One Wednesday night, she had on a beautiful cranberry-colored earwarmer with a white snowflake embroidered on it. I noticed and mentally admired it at a distance, but when I got close to her and saw it was crochet, I realized she must have made it herself! I complemented her on it, and she said Joy was going to give her some yarn to make her one. I asked if I brought her yarn, would she make me one, and she said yes of course! So the next Sunday I took her some, and this past Wednesday she brought it to me. Sweet Piper! It's soft blue cotton thread, crocheted well - firm sturdy stitches, but loose enough to be limber and comfortable. I put it to my face, savoring the softness, and realized it smelled like Piper from being near her - a fresh, clean smell, like a spring breeze, rich with warmth and wildflowers.
4. One of the church ladies took chicken salad sandwiches to the Christmas party Tuesday night. I love chicken salad anyway, but that was some of the best I've ever had!
5. At the same Christmas party, Nicole (one of the college girls - I don't think I've ever mentioned her here), after the gift exchange, found a bow off a package and teasingly stuck it in my hair.
Nicole has always sort of seemed like her own person - not really a 'loner', but not really mixing alot with the rest of the college group. She's a mix of country and classy, sweet and saucy, aloof and friendly, and just 'Nicole'! There's really no other way to describe her - you'd just have to know her! She went to Trinidad in 2011 on the mission trip Trissy and I went on, and the three of us became pretty close on that trip. We've had a special friendship ever since.
Friday, December 14, 2012
"5 Small Things Friday" No. 63

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".
For this week, here is my list:
1. Sight: VRCA Christmas Program
2. Hearing: "The First Noel"
3. Smell: Breakfast
4. Taste: Cappuccino
5. Touch: Archer's iPhone
The stories behind the list:
1. Last night was the academy's Christmas program and they had it in Victory Rd.'s gym. It was a simple enactment of the Christmas story. The students who didn't have a character part made up a red-shirted choir that flanked the little 'set' on both sides and sang between 'scenes'. It was a heart-warming thing to witness - all those squeaky young voices singing lustily the dear old Christmas carols, or costumed little figures stumbling bravely through lines and motions and parts. It reminded me of a treasured story my family has a recording of, about another school's little Christmas play.
2. Joy has been taking violin lessons for about six weeks and is doing very well at it. At one point during the service Sunday morning, she played "The First Noel".
Except for that pure sweet melody, there was complete silence as the congregation sat watching and listening. I was in the choir, behind her, watching the lights among the decorative greenery and the quiet joy on the faces of those listening.
It was pure Christmas.
3. Thursday morning Trissy decided she was going to get up and make us all a little country breakfast, and enjoy one of her seemingly favorite hobbies - inventing recipes, or putting new 'spins' on existing ones. I began to smell it before I knew what she was doing. Home-made cheddar bay biscuits and scrambled eggs. The biscuits were the experiment. And a huge success!
4. Friday night was the night for the annual Christmas festival held at the local junior college, the same one I went to. A little bunch of us Victory Rd. folks ran a booth selling loaded baked potatoes, and a s'mores bar. We do a booth each year, and those that help run it divide up the money to use for mission trips, conferences, or other church activities. It's always a fun night of fellowship with the other Victory Rd. folks working, and a wholesome, fun, family-friendly Christmas event.
Abigail and Piper were two of the others working and Trissy and I had a nice time chatting and working with them, as always.
It's usually really cold, but this year's winter weather has been pretty much non-existent (Southern weather keeps you guessing) and people were out in light shirt-sleeves or t-shirts. But there was a booth selling cups of hot cappuccino, and in a thrill of Christmas spirit, Piper bought Trissy and me each a cup. Then Trissy bought her one, and we stood laughing at each other and sipping our hot, but very delicious, Christmas cappuccino.
5. Victory Rd.'s youth music group has been asked to lead the music at a camp in January, put on by the church The Grandparents attend. At music practice Tuesday night, we were getting started practicing for that. Archer had the list of potential songs we plan on doing in his phone and was passing it around for us to look over. I don't think I'd ever held an iPhone before :) . And it was warm from the hands that held it before me.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
S.O.A.P. Journaling - Mark 4:3-8 and 14-20
Date: Dec. 11, 2012
Passage: Mark 4:3-8 and 14-20
"Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow:
And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up.
And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth:
But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away.
And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit.
And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred.
The sower soweth the word.
And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.
And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness;
And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended.
And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,
And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred."
Here Jesus, as He did so often, was using an object lesson to make a point. He used a concept His listeners were familiar with (farming) to illustrate how freely His followers should spread His Message. The farmer scattered his grain generously, knowing some would grow and some wouldn't. Christians should spread the Love and Word of Christ as urgently and freely to people we come in contact with as this farmer scattered his seed.
I love this story. It used to discourage me almost - how sad to think of all the seed scattered but refused. All I used to see was that out of four types of soil/people that received the seed/message of God's love, only one group took it and grew.
But a couple of years ago I saw a wonderful encouraging picture in it. Yes, some will be unaffected and flat out refuse. Some will be discouraged and hindered and distracted and choked out. But some will receive and grow. And even of those, some may only grow a little, but some will flourish amazingly.
The kicker though, is that even in the discouragement, there is hope. And that is why I love this story.
The hard-packed pathway that the birds stole the seed from could, over time, be softened, worked, plowed, fertilized, and replanted, and bring forth fruit after all.
The place full of rocks that had no depth could be, with much sweat and labor, cleared, the stones hauled away, and the earth plowed and planted and bring forth fruit after all.
The briar patch that choked and wounded could be chopped and mowed down, the briars be burned, and the soil plowed and planted and bring forth fruit after all.
Each type of ground or person, though at the moment it looks hopeless, with patience, determination, hard work, and love, can become receptive and made to grow.
"Dear Lord, help me not to give up hope in Your power to change a life! Help me to be able to do what I can to soften hard hearts or encourage discouraged ones so that they can take in Your Word and love and be made to grow in Your new Life. Help me to be generous in my sharing of the seed of Your Salvation. Help me to see results through my efforts; but if not, help me to remain faithful and never give up."
Passage: Mark 4:3-8 and 14-20
"Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow:
And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up.
And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth:
But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away.
And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit.
And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred.
The sower soweth the word.
And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.
And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness;
And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended.
And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,
And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred."
Here Jesus, as He did so often, was using an object lesson to make a point. He used a concept His listeners were familiar with (farming) to illustrate how freely His followers should spread His Message. The farmer scattered his grain generously, knowing some would grow and some wouldn't. Christians should spread the Love and Word of Christ as urgently and freely to people we come in contact with as this farmer scattered his seed.
I love this story. It used to discourage me almost - how sad to think of all the seed scattered but refused. All I used to see was that out of four types of soil/people that received the seed/message of God's love, only one group took it and grew.
But a couple of years ago I saw a wonderful encouraging picture in it. Yes, some will be unaffected and flat out refuse. Some will be discouraged and hindered and distracted and choked out. But some will receive and grow. And even of those, some may only grow a little, but some will flourish amazingly.
The kicker though, is that even in the discouragement, there is hope. And that is why I love this story.
The hard-packed pathway that the birds stole the seed from could, over time, be softened, worked, plowed, fertilized, and replanted, and bring forth fruit after all.
The place full of rocks that had no depth could be, with much sweat and labor, cleared, the stones hauled away, and the earth plowed and planted and bring forth fruit after all.
The briar patch that choked and wounded could be chopped and mowed down, the briars be burned, and the soil plowed and planted and bring forth fruit after all.
Each type of ground or person, though at the moment it looks hopeless, with patience, determination, hard work, and love, can become receptive and made to grow.
"Dear Lord, help me not to give up hope in Your power to change a life! Help me to be able to do what I can to soften hard hearts or encourage discouraged ones so that they can take in Your Word and love and be made to grow in Your new Life. Help me to be generous in my sharing of the seed of Your Salvation. Help me to see results through my efforts; but if not, help me to remain faithful and never give up."
Friday, December 7, 2012
"5 Small Things Friday" No. 62

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".
For this week, here is my list:
1. Sight:
2. Hearing: Mom Singing "He Leadeth Me"
3. Smell:
4. Taste:
5. Touch: Young Hands On My Shoulders
The stories behind the list:
1. Saturday morning as I had my personal Bible study, I was thinking on all that has happened in the past year, especially in relation to Victory Rd. and the people I know and love there. Memories of good times and victories; memories of discouragement and change. And I felt a mixture of hope and melancholy. But just as I sighed, I heard Mom start to sing from her room as she so often does at the beginning of the morning - almost as a signal that the day is officially starting and we should all begin gathering for breakfast. She was singing the hymn, "He Leadeth Me". Coincidence?
5. I love my little after-school kids at VRCA, and I'm pretty sure they love me too. The little ones say it to me, and the bigger ones - in various shy and awkward, or boisterous and amiable ways - show it.
They are always interested in what I'm doing, whether it's knitting a scarf, eating an apple, reading a book, looking at Pinterest, or helping another student with homework. Or they want me to join them in what they're doing - drawing pictures with sidewalk chalk, playing chess, swinging, tossing a football, etc.
Tuesday it was cold and damp so we couldn't go outside to play. There were only a few kids left, and they had settled down and were playing either 'school' or 'puppies' or a strange combination of both.
I pulled out my laptop and got on Pinterest - my new favorite site (besides Etsy) for crafting inspiration.
Presently I heard a cheerful quiet young voice behind me sing-song, "What-cha do-in'?" and felt two small hands on my shoulders. I smiled.
Though I love all my after-school kids deeply and each one of them is dearly special to me in his or her own way, this one touches something in my heart in a way the others don't. Nine years old, but she often seems to prefer my older company over that of the other children's. She'll sit for ages looking at project ideas with me, pointing occasionally to something that strikes her fancy, and reading aloud instructions or captions. Or she tells me about herself; her dreams of becoming a polymer scientist (something I'd never even heard of until I asked her one day what she wants to be when she grows up), difficulties with siblings, getting to talk on the phone to her dad (her parents are divorced), a drawing she'd entered in the county fair, a book she's reading, or a science project she's doing. She's quiet, but not shy - quiet in the intelligent sort of way that causes some people to just not waste words. And she's got a thirsty, searching spirit. That, I think, is what touches me most deeply.
'Looking up craft ideas,' I motioned to a chair beside me. 'You can sit down if you want,'
She did :) .
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Christmas Door Star
I saw this branch star on Pinterest the other day, and thought I'd like to try to make a similar one for our front door. Tonight we're having some of the ladies from church over for a movie and Christmas snacks, and I asked Mom if I could try to make a star before they came. She was okay with it, but asked if I could make something that had some red and green in it :) .
So with only about a half-hour before I had to leave for work at the academy, I grabbed the clippers and dashed out to a nice hedge of bushes behind our chicken house and cut five thin switches that still had nice green leaves on them.
Back inside, and armed with Mom's trusty old die-hard glue gun and some newspaper to protect the counter, I laid out the twigs in the star shape I wanted, and started hot-gluing. I normally don't like to to use glue on things like fabric and wood projects, but I was in a hurry this time.
With Trissy's help, I glued both at the joints where the ends met, and at the places in the middle where the branches crossed each other to make it a little sturdier.
Trissy found a bright ribbon in the scrap bag, and voila!
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