
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Monday, December 24, 2012

Newsletter 2012

Below is a 'newsletter' of sorts I sent out to my friends and pen-pals this year, catching them up and filling them in on a few of the goings-on of my life in the past year. Much of it will mean little to most of you, but I included it here on my blog for those interested, and for my own record.

Dear friends,                                                                    Dec. 20, 2012

I thought when I finished college last fall that somehow I would have ‘time’ again. Time to pleasure-read, time to write letters, to journal, to go for walks, to craft to my heart’s content, to study subjects other than school requirements, etc. What a myth! While I have been freed from late-night studying for tests and from stacks of impossible homework assignments, all that ‘free time’ that was supposed to materialize never showed up :) . I say all that by way of hopeful explanation for the neglect I’m sure some of you feel for my long letter-writing silence, and to warn you that it may become regular for my letters to be very few and far between :/ . I usually don’t like the idea of a mass mail-out – though those letters are just as heart-felt, they somehow seem not quite as personal as receiving a hand-written note with your own name at the top. But, I am learning that if I put off writing until I can write a personal letter to each of my dear friends, none of them will get anything! So here I am, doing the end-of-the-year-newsletter mail-out. Please be assured though, that each of you are personally thought of and loved as I type :) . So, on to ‘news’.

2012 has been a year of learning for me. Come to think of it, I could truthfully say that of the two years before it, for I spent them in learning of not only a spiritual and personal, but also an academic sort. But in the spiritual category, 2012 has seemed to be the ‘final test’ at the end of the semester. Seems like all the Lord has taught me 2009-2011 has been put to the test. I myself have been put to the test. My trust in the Lord’s power, my faith in His wisdom, my hope in His unfailing love, and my submission to His plans have all been tried. I was given success, realized dreams, and answered prayers. I was also given betrayal, hurt, and tears. Trials I had prepared myself to face never showed up, and instead I was presented with a series of entirely unexpected situations that have shaken me brutally. But praise God for the lectures and repeated lessons of the years before, and because of them the test, though hard, was not impossible to take, and I believe I made a passing grade. The fact that the Teacher is always available certainly is the greatest comfort!

With the Lord’s help, I did finish junior college last December, and ‘officially’ graduated in May with a technical degree in Web Development. As of right now, I do not have any plans to go on to a university.

I continue to work as an after-school employee at Victory Road Christian Academy, the Christian private school started by Victory Rd. Baptist Church – the church I am a member of. There are good days and bad days, but I love these kids so much! I can see so much growth in them, and they have taught me so much as well. My prayer is that I can be a Godly influence and use my time with them in the best possible way – they are so alert and eager and soak up whatever is going on around them. I want to always keep good examples and wholesome options present before their amazingly observant eyes and ears.

In September I took another small job, working at a little restaurant owned by a couple in the church. It’s uncomfortable at times, as I work closely with others who are not Christians and act like they are not. But it is a great witnessing opportunity and I am trying to build friendships with them. Two of my co-workers came to church a couple of weeks ago, and I was so excited – it was a big step for them. I love the fact that I am in constant contact with other local people. Even if I don’t have an opportunity to talk with them very long, at least I get to smile and wish them a great afternoon or a Merry Christmas. People notice a smile, and I love when one of the many hard or sad faces that comes by asks why I’m so happy. To get to tell them about the One Who gives real joy is the ultimate satisfaction.

Twice this year I have had the opportunity to go on state-side mission/service trips with Victory Rd., and since another mission trip to Trinidad was out for this year, Trissy and I both went on these two. In January we went to [a neighboring state] to a children’s home and ranch near [the state's capitol city]. It was cold, but it was a great time of hard work and also of fellowship and bonding with the other church members who went. In June we went to Illinois and an area near Chicago to help a church there. Again, lots of hard work, and lots of wonderful memories of time spent with church family. This trip may very well be the highlight of my year. I had hopes and even expectations for it, but the Lord gave me abundantly above what I even imagined!

When school started back in the fall, I was asked to help teach the junior-high class at church on Wednesday nights. Not being much of a teacher, I was hesitant to jump in, but there was a need for more help in that area and even before I was asked, I felt like the Lord was encouraging me to consider getting involved. Besides, for years I’ve had a great love for teen-agers and desired to be able to minister to them somehow. This wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind, but it would be good to get out of my ‘comfort zone’ a little. It has been very different than I imagined, even to the point of discouragement. Several times I’ve thought, “What am I even doing here?” But sticking with it, the Lord has showed me at least one young thirteen-year-old reason I think He has me there, and I myself have begun receiving great blessing from it.

Speaking of teenagers and my desire to minister to them, one of the great joys and sorrows of this year has been a young friend in the church. Satan is trying – through discouragement, misunderstanding, and bad advice from so-called ‘friends’ – to destroy the spirit and testimony of one of the young people of Victory Rd. The desire to serve and please the Lord is there, but difficulties and struggles are hitting hard and fast, knocking down good intentions and belittling the efforts of others to help. The highs and lows and ups and downs – the past few months especially – have been exhausting and discouraging for those who love this dear young person. Please pray for all involved, at least now as you read, but continued prayers would be SO appreciated! Pray for courage and spiritual strength for the teenager, wisdom for those who are trying to help, and ultimate great victory over Satan’s evil plans – for the glory of God.

And if you would, as you pray, please pray for Victory Road Church as a whole. The Lord has been using us in great ways, and I guess Satan decided he wanted to get busy and mess things up. We have faced a lot of hardship this past year. Ridiculous but effective attacks from inside have been the most harmful and hurtful. Thank you for all prayers!

Well, my time is running out and so is my mental energy :) . I’m sure I have hardly scratched the surface as far as all the opportunities the Lord has given me and all the things I have been involved in this past year, but I’ve tried to catch you all up on a couple of the highlights that have been the most influential on my life :) . I have no big job or career, I’m not in college any more, and I’m not married – things that I think many, if not most, people measure a successful life by. But I find my life very fulfilling. I love my two little jobs, the people, and the opportunities involved in both. I love my church, the precious dear friends in it, and the opportunities and doors the Lord has opened to me through it. Of course there are things in my life that I am not happy with, but no one could appreciate perfection if there were no such thing as flaws. So, if my life was ‘just perfect’, meaning, ‘just as I’d have it if I could’, I’d soon begin taking it for granted, forgetting the God Who gave it to me, and growing soft and weak. I hope I learn from the difficulties in my life, grow closer to God because of them, and become stronger through the struggling.

A very Merry Christmas to all of you, dear friends! Thank you to those who have kindly continued to keep me updated on your own lives :) . I hope the Lord has been proving Himself as mightily to you, and more, as He so mercifully has to me.

Closing with a verse that has come to mean a great deal to me in recent months,

'Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.'
Joshua 1:9 


Your friend,


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