The 2nd through the 7th, a group from Victory Rd. took a mission trip of sorts to a children's home and ranch in a near-by state. The home is for children who either are orphans, or are from homes where the parent(s) are not able to care for them, for various reasons. Victory Road has been involved in this ministry almost from the time it was started, and has provided the physical labor to help clear the land that the two houses (one for boys and one for girls) are built on. On this trip, we disassembled an old barn in order to reuse the lumber (a much more tedious job that you might think at first), and also did alot of brush-clearing and firewood chopping, loading, and stacking. This was also the first trip that Trissy and I have made to the ranch, though we've heard so much about it, it was already a dear place to us.
We had a total of 13 people go from the church, and Justice drove over from the state he and Noel live in now, and met us there. The Bible college where Oliver and Landon are is right in the same neighborhood as the ranch, so we enjoyed some rare time with them as well.
Of our church college friends I've written about over the years on this blog, the ones that were together for a few hours at the ranch were: Aron, Justice, Landon, Oliver, Russell, Lindy, Autumn, Trissy, and me. If Austin, Archer, Toby, Henley, Noel, Lora, and Camille had been able to come, the whole gang would have been together again - if only for a short time. As it was though, several of us mentioned how it seemed like old times again, especially with Justice, Landon, and Oliver there, who we see so rarely since they live out-of-state now.
Bro. Mike and his wife also went, as well as Aron's younger brother Simon, Archer's younger sister Abigail, another lady, another man, and 'my brown-eyed boy'.
'My brown-eyed boy'. I haven't mentioned him before. I don't really know why I think of him with that title, except that, 1) he has brown eyes (duh :) ) and 2) through his family's attendance at Victory Rd., but even more through my interaction with him because of my job at VRCA where he goes to school, I have had the privilege of becoming his friend. I feel toward him what I might feel toward a little brother. His father is unsaved and in the military, and so is gone overseas for months or years at a time. With his father's absence, 'my brown-eyed boy' has been forced to become the 'man of the house', in a sense. His mother is a very capable and sturdy lady (she is also a teacher at VRCA), but with his two younger brothers, there is plenty of weight that she has to share with his young shoulders.
He is in his later teens, and very capable, but without that strong Christian father figure in his life, he struggles. It seems at times that he swings between an overwhelming desire and effort to be the good strong man that would make his Christian friends and his father and mother proud, and the young boy whose teenage problems threaten to swallow him whole.
But I love that part of him that is trying so hard to become a Godly man. I thank the Lord that He has allowed me into the position of influencing this young man as an older friend. It's as if the Lord has given me a great burden for this boy, and has graciously allowed me to actually be part of helping him. For, for some strange reason, he seems to really respect me, value my opinion on different things, and almost seems to look to me as an older sibling, certainly as a friend.
With his dad being in the military, it came up a few weeks ago that they may have to move away from us and to another state farther up north. He seems to be taking it pretty hard, and several of us are praying that somehow they will be able to stay.
Several times in the past year, when there has been some project or mission-trip-fundraiser that the church has been involved in, I have been so impressed and thankful for how he has stepped up and been a responsible example, young gentleman, and hard worker. It's like he gets into 'beast mode' (as they say around here) and gets going so hard a freight train couldn't stop him! And boy, he really threw himself into the work on this trip!
I took minimal journal notes on the trip. Seeing as how we got up before the crack of dawn each morning to grab breakfast and be ready to get to work when the sun came up, then fell into bed dog-tired every night, besides all the fun and fellowship and goofing off with friends in between, I didn't have time to journal like I had wanted to. But I did record a few things each day. Thoughts, prayers, things to remember, and bits from the great devotionals Justice challenged us with each night in front of the fire.
Here they are, from my heart, to paper (or, "computer screen", I suppose is more accurate):
"Jan. 4, 2012 –
Dear God help my precious boys. Make Men of my boys! Help my brown-eyed boy now. He’s got so much on his young mind; so many changes, so many responsibilities, so many disappointments. I love my boys and girls so much!! Thank you for loving me. I could not love them or anyone or anything else, if You had not first shown me what love really is. Help me show my love in appropriate yet impacting ways. Help me to encourage my friends and those who look up to and expect so much from me. Help me to behave myself in appropriate ways, in integrity, in wisdom, in Godliness, so as to have the most influence and impact on these dear lives as possible for Your glory's sake.
Jan. 5, 2012 –
Things to remember:
'Bucket brigade' log loading. ATV-driving lessons from our resident sidekick, Russell, and 'my brown-eyed boy'. Driving an ATV and trailer for the first time (and, I might add, loaded down with logs and friends). Growing closer to brothers. So thankful for a kindred-spirit sister-friend (Lindy). Silly videoing. Learning everybody's middle names (or first names, as the case may be). Being silly with friends. Going Snipe hunting for the first time in my life.
Justice’s devotional – Drawing near to God:
The more you are willing to spend time with God, the more He will reveal Himself to you. The Father went to meet the prodigal son when he came home. When the dove came back to Noah, he reached out to take it back in.
James 4:8 – "Draw nigh to God, and He will draw night to you..." It means just what it says.
Luke 15:11-32 – Verse 20 references Acts 2:39. Verse 21 references Ps. 51:4.
Gen. 8:9 – I have always found the picture painted in this verse to be so touching.
Isaiah 58:9(a) – Another wonderful word picture. Like a lonely or hurt young person, seeking the help and/or consolation of a trusted friend or counselor.
Heb. 13:5 – Let your lifestyle be without covetousness. And be content with what you have already been given. Because, He has said, 'I will never leave you or abandon you.'
How do we as Christians draw near to God?
1) Turn from sin. Heb 4:14 and 16
2) Praise Him. Ps. 147:1
3) Read and trust His Word. Ps. 119:114
4) In faith and hope lay hold of His promises. Ps. 119:162
Oh Father help 'my brown-eyed boy'! Everything is here for him. It's such a great unknown he will be stepping into if they go. Please leave him and his family here with us. Or, please take care of them while they’re gone. Help me know what to do about [going on an overseas mission trip with the church this summer].
Jan. 6, 2012 –
"Faithful are the wounds of a friend..." I experienced the truth of this verse firsthand this afternoon. In his characteristic good-naturedly bossy way, Aron pointed out that often I am mean to Trissy in the way I talk to her. We had a whole little conversation about it, and it really really hurt. Especially when he picks on
his younger brother Simon, and Russell, and me, and it’s always a joke or teasing
then. Why can’t he see that I'm just teasing Trissy the way the gang teases me and I tease them?! But I got to thinking over the examples he gave. And yes, as he pointed out, to an onlooker who didn't know the people or the situation, it could appear that I was very rude and mean. Especially when she's so soft-spoken in public. So I hope I can take his advice in the way that he meant it, learn from it, and get over feeling sorry for myself.
I have been so proud of my younger boys (Simon and 'my brown-eyed boy') on this trip! They have both behaved in a very respectful and mostly ;) responsible way, and have conducted themselves in a commendable manner.
Abigail also, though the youngest on this trip, has pulled her weight and kept up valiantly, being our 'shy one', but so sweet!
Dear God, make true men of my boys! Ladies of my girls!
Keep, bless, and protect 'my brown-eyed boy', physically, spiritually, emotionally... in every way! If his family must leave, make him great through this. He’s so small, but I can see in him the potential to become so big. Oh God make him a great man!!
Justice’s devotional - One With Christ:
John 14:19 – "...because I live, ye shall live also." Christ is our reason for living. If it were not for Him - His life, His death, His rising from the grave, His love, His gift – life would not be worth living. Literally. There would be nothing worth being alive for! Because He lives, we have Heaven, we have Life, we have Joy, we have Purpose.
Colossians 3:3 – We are dead. Our life is Christ. He is IN us!! As Justice said, we are not light bulbs waiting to be screwed in when an old one burns out. We have the Light IN us! Do others see the Light? As Abigail said, "Live in such a way that those who don’t know God, but know you, will come to know God, because they know you." Dear God may others see the Light from seeing me live!!
After the devotional each night, we all would separate, each finding a little corner of the cabin to read over, think over, and pray over what Justice had talked about that night. I usually curled up in one of the chairs or couches in front of the fire to do my thinking, and when I was done, I would journal until the stirring and hushed conversation from the others signaled that everyone else was done too.
Then we'd play games, talk, or go to bed, depending on
how tired we were :) .
The last night, all the children and both sets of house parents met in the boys' house and hosted supper for us. It was such a privilege to get to meet and interact with all the kids that we'd come to help! We had a great evening of getting to know them, and ended the night with an epic game of Pledge-the-super-long-wood-floor-hallway-and-slide-down-it-in-your-stocking-feet, in which a few brave adults also participated :D ! Evidently that's what they do for entertainment on Friday nights at the ranch! Sounded like a wholesome winner to me, as long as you have helmets and pads ;D !
All-in-all it was a great week of exhausting but extremely fulfilling physical labor, spiritual renewal, and friendship strengthening. So many memories made! Memories I think I will treasure my life through.