
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Thursday, November 17, 2011

"I'm thankful for..." - Week 1 of 2

I have really been challenged recently in the area of Thankfulness, stewardship, and using what you have (even if it seems small) to glorify the Lord.
This week, the author of the blog Simple Delights, had a great idea and invited her readers to join her: For each day of the last two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, compile a list of the things you are thankful for that day, and post your lists each day, or the whole week's worth at the end of each week. She is planning a link-up so we can share our lists with each other.

This goes so well with my goal of trying to notice and be more grateful for all the wonderful little things the Lord provides to us, and I am grateful that others are doing the same thing.

I may not have long lists, but they certainly do not include all the things I am thankful for! Mainly I just jotted down some of the things that were really brought to my mind during the day, but I am actively trying to cultivate a constant attitude of thankfulness. Certainly that should be our goal every day!

I started making my lists on Friday, but I included things from Thursday that I had on my mind and was thankful for as well.


Good times with good friends
Cream of Chicken Soup
Blogging time
Creative ideas

{Photo and idea by Unoriginal Originality}

Canceled college classes
6-year-old boys with brown eyes, sandy hair, dimples, and a huge appetite for learning and friendship
The safe arrival of Aron and Henley's Timothy, and all
Babies born to Godly young couples
'Adopted' brothers


Finished Algebra homework assignments
Godly teaching
Cheery candles in red glass holders

Symphony music, specifically this song:

Mid-week church meetings


My own Bible
The health and freedom to be able to go to church
Christmas music
Good teachers
Impressionable young friends and the chance to influence them for the Lord
Victory Rd.
Beautiful fall weather
Being picked on by good friends


Psalms 107:8-22
Being able to read
Tall trailing bushes with yellow flowers that drape over wooden fences

Text messaging
The kids at VRCA that call me "Miss Dr. Pepper" and my friendship with them
Michael O'Brien's CD, "Be Still My Soul"
The texture on a coffee cup from my favorite coffee shop

Cool brisk wind


Sleeping in
Easy Algebra
A laptop
Pet chickens
A rare phone conversation with an out-of-state friend
Good grades


"The Conference" - a Bible conference in the north part of the state that has become a family tradition for the week before Thanksgiving
Mild weather after it's been cold
Meeting new friends
Spending time with old friends
Long denim skirts
Good music
Safe journeys
Answered prayers
My Rebelution t-shirt


Hot showers
Grilled cheese sandwiches
College-age Bible studies
Giant peppermint sticks

Mom-made home-made hot chocolate
Visions for the future
Hilarious choir practices
Hand-pumped flashlights

A soft bed and warm covers
My own room
Physical and spiritual protection

The Lord is so good to me. This is just a scratch on the surface, but these things are some that really touched me this week.

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