
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Father's Legacy

"Skipping Stones"
{Image property of Livvy Taylor Photography. Used with permission.}

Once Sunday morning, a man sat in his recliner reading the Sunday paper. Glancing at the clock, he spoke to his son, "Better be getting ready for Sunday School."
The young boy asked, "Are you going?"
"No," his father replied. "Not today."
"Dad, when you were a boy, did you go to Sunday School"
"Why, of course I did!" the man answered.
As the boy got up and left the room, he murmmured to himself, "Probably won't do me any good either."


The day before, in another part of the country, a poor hard-working family sat around the dinner table. They discussed with excitment Monday's harvest, and the resulting payment of an old and heavy debt.
That night a horrible hailstorm swept through the area, distroying their prize crop.
Sunday morning came, and the son stood with his father in the field that had held all their hopes. The son waited for his heart-broken father's reaction to the disaster. The man stooped and took up a handful of earth and studied it in his hand. Suddenly he began to sing softly:

"Rock of Ages,
cleft for me,
let me hide myself
in Thee."

Years later, after the boy was grown and serving the Lord with a family of his own, he would often say that was the best sermon he had ever heard.


What a difference a Godly father can make in the lives of his children.

Happy Father's Day, and may the Lord bless all those who seek to live for Him.

1 comment:

Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

The design feature is permanent I have it on mine too.
It is a bit confusing and I don't know how to use it quite yet. My blog is looking strange too.