
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chick Stuff - Advice Anyone?

My little bird seems to be over the ant bites - by Sunday afternoon he was much perkier, and now seems like his old self. I am thankful the Lord sees fit to even care about the 'insignificant' things like hurt little animals. Or maybe it's that He cares about us, and our attachment to them :). At any rate, I'm glad He saw fit to right my mistake (leaving the chick in the yard in the first place). The only problem is, I am now going to have to re-think my 'solution' for the chick's independence. Because of the ants, the cage I was going to use will not work - the ants could crawl right up and over the lower boards. I thought of sprinkling poison around the cage to prevent that, but then the other chickens might get in it (especially the four young ones - they are still pretty dumb Lol). Then I thought, "What about a 'moat'?" you know, like they had around castles in the old days. The ants couldn't get through water. Now, that's all well and good, but where am I going to find a portable moat?! I can't build it - water would seep through wood, plastic would have to be cut, molded, and caulked together (which I wouldn't know how to do) and metal would be the same problem, except that would be even trickier, 'cause it would envolve sautering (spelling-?). Besides, I haven't got alot of money to spend on this whole little situation here. Here is a drawing I did of the idea:

The cage would sit in the hollow space inside.

Does anyone have any advice on how I could build or find something like this? I would really appreciate any tips!

1 comment:

Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

Hello Kyrie,
I got your comment! that was a funny dream! It will be so neat if it happens some day :)
I have had dreams about blogger friends too.
I wonder if I acted in in you dream how I really act in real life!

I am finished with the first sock that I am nålbinding and am going on to the seconed. I will be posting a picture of it soon.
For the chick box, you could either use wood or cardboard and line it with a big plastic bag. Just an idea I just thought up... so I am not sure if it would work.:)