
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Snow Day

At my house, Wednesday seemed like a regular holiday! Dad and I were both off work, and (this was the only sad part of the situation) church was canceled as well. So, we all spent the day reading, crafting, working on projects that it seemed we never had time to do otherwise, and just enjoying being together!

The temperature was in the teens this week, and when I went out in the mornings to feed the chickens, I carried our kettle full of boiling water to pour into their frozen water dishes. My heavy rubber work boots crunched on the grass, and I could sense the hot water cooling in my kettle as I crossed the yard from the house to the chicken pen!

I snuck out into the yard later Wednesday afternoon to get some pictures. The sky had become overcast, our dirt driveway and the dirt road running in front of our house were frozen slick, and their were actually icicles hanging from our roof and from the noses of our cars! It was beautiful, but so much colder than any southern winter I could remember, and I scurried back inside to my crafting pretty soon!

Yes, I know, for some of my readers from places where snow is a common occurrence, a dusting such as pictured in the images above is nothing to notice, much less get excited about! But combine the fact that this snow was mixed with icy sleet (making the roads treacherous) with the fact that snow of any kind coming to our part of the southern United States is extremely rare, and you have a couple of days of excitement for a small town! School was out for three days this week, many places of business were closed for at least one, and most of the residents of this area enjoyed a couple of unexpected days curled up in front of fireplaces or engaging in relaxing indoor activities of other kinds. Unless of course they were families with active children; in that case, there was time spent out in the snow!

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