
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Sunday, October 6, 2013

My "Thankful List"

This morning I woke up about 5:00-ish as usual, and as usual tip-toed into the living room, curled up in a corner of the couch, and turned on the lamp to do my morning Bible reading. But somehow I got started just writing down some things I'm thankful for. I ended up filling three of these narrow purple sheets of scrap paper I had, just writing to God, thanking Him for some of the things He's blessed me with. Little things, some of them. Big things, some of them.
I believe being thankful is important. I know alot of my prayers consist of requests for the Lord's intervention, protection, supply, etc., and I want to also be careful to give Him praise and gratitude!

After a little debate with myself, I decided to share my "thankful list" from this morning. Maybe it will inspire you to make your own list - thank the Lord for some of the things He's given you.

Aaaaand, just in case you can't read my handwriting, I'm typing it out, too :) . You're welcome.

1) Unlimited access to running water - clean drinking water
2) Fresh milk
3) Soft covers
4) Good nights of restful sleep
5) Teddy bears
6) Law & all he's meant to me
7) Hope
8) Your [the Lord's] faithfulness & mercy
9) Cool fresh air
10) A place to go to church
11) Freedom to worship publicly
12) A good name
13) Fun adventurous books
14) Unmarked writing paper
15) Purple ink pens
16) Waking up from unpleasant dreams
17) Alarm clocks that work
18) Indoor lighting
19) Indoor plumbing
20) Well-done family movies

21) Pretty floor rugs
22) Soft carpet
23) Real-wood cabinets
24) Small businesses
25) Breakfast
26) Lunch
27) Supper
28) Potted plants that can live indoors
29) Vintage & antique dishes
30) Recycling
31) TV remotes
32) Warm water
33) Sermon notes
34) Small polished stones
35) Hens that lay an egg each day
36) Country/farm life
37) Nice photography
38) Independence
39) People who are considerate of others
40) Pets

41) Home-made milkshakes &/or smoothies
42) Organization
43) Umbrellas
44) Cheddar cheese
45) Small-group Bible studies
46) Games
47) When people share or loan their things & rescources [Yes, I spelt 'resources' wrong. Sorry.]
48) Memories
49) Christian music
50) Automobiles
51) A full tank of gas in a car
52) Snack crackers & granola bars
53) Miniatures
54) Thunderstorms
55) Bike rides
56) Nature walks & hikes that aren't exhausting
57) Outfits that are modest, & pleasant to look at
58) Small papers w/ ['with'] Bible verses
59) People waving
60) Prayer

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