
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, May 18, 2012

"5 Small Things Friday" No. 33

Go back and read this post for the story behind "Five Small Things Friday".

For this week, here is my list:

1. Sight: A Gold-laced Sunset

2. Hearing: After-class Wednesday Night Prayer Time

3. Smell: Gardenia Bush

4. Taste: Henley's Peanut-butter-cup-chip Chocolate Cookies

5. Touch: Ava's Engagement Ring

The stories behind the list:

1. I'm not usually a big fan of sunsets. I prefer sunrises. Beginnings, not endings, I guess. But this week I witnessed a sunset that absolutely took my breath away. I was on my way back to our house one evening (don't remember where I'd been... probably music practice), and as I passed a field close to where we live, I looked over at the setting sun, and it was dazzling. The sun was just behind the top edge of a spreading group of dusky blue clouds, but it's rays were reaching up and turning the long stretch of the upper edge of the clouds a shimmering gold. That's really what it looked like - gold with the light shining on it. The picture was gorgeous. That stretching expanse of dark green field, and those slate-blue, billowy-textured clouds, trimmed in brilliant golden lace.

2. After class on Wednesday nights, we always have a prayer time for whoever would like to stay and participate. It usually ends up being a group of the college kids. But what sweet times we've had! Treasured memories of those earnest voices, lifted to the Lord in thanks and/or supplication. Seldom have I felt my love for my friends so strongly, as when I hear them pray.

3. Our gardenia bush is blooming. The sweet summery smell sweeps me off my feet every time I pass that part of the yard.

4. Dear Henley made cookies for our Thursday night college Bible study class last night. They were chocolate cookies, with peanut-butter chips in them. Henley is a good cook anyway, but these cookies were exceptional!

5. Austin had Ava's engagement ring at church Sunday night at the college supper, so that whoever wanted to see it could, before he gave it to her. Mom thought it was cheating Ava just a little - the gang getting to see it before she did, when it was for her. But I thought it was neat - our college group is very close, we're each others' brothers and sisters in a sense, and he was including us in this landmark time of his life.
The ring is beautiful - a dainty style, the main diamond set in the center of a smooth-cornered square of other tiny diamonds. Ava loves sapphires, and one of the reasons Austin picked this ring is because under the diamonds (you can only see it if you look at the ring from the side instead of the top), a sapphire is hidden.
A special significance, from him to her.

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