
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, March 4, 2011

D-Now 2011 - Expectations

About a month ago, I guess it was, Justice began sending a daily e-mail out to each person of the college class with a quote from a preacher, missionary, or author, or something thought-provoking or encouraging, and then a little note from himself at the end. Now for the past week or so, leading up to D-Now, he's been sending quotes on prayer, since that's the theme. D-Now begins this evening about 6:30. This is his e-mail from today :) :

"DNOW IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im not putting a quote today, but I just want to encourage everyone to be ready for tonight. It is going to be a great weekend! Archer and I got to spend most of the night with the band, and after talking with them and learning where their hearts are at, I think I can speak for us both that we were impressed. We are going to have a great time of worship, and I can not wait to hear what God has given [the visiting preacher] to say. Remember group leaders try to be at the church around five if not earlier to make sure everything is ready, and to greet your groups as they come in. Hope everyone has a great day, because I know the night is going to be great. Love you guys!

The 'band' he mentioned is a group from up north. They are all in their teens or twenties, I'd say, and there are two girls and four boys. Archer went to school with one of the boys, so we invited them to come on his recomendation. Yesterday, as I mentioned, we canceled College Bible Study and worked on finishing up what needed to be done to get ready for the weekend, instead. Trissy and I got there as the 'band' was unloading, so we went out and met them. A couple travels with them, who are the parents of two of the boys, and one of the girls. The other girl is married to one of the sons, and one of the other boys is courting the daughter. The last boy is a friend (hope all that made sense!). Trissy and I were thrilled to find out that they were homeschooled! Well, the brothers and sister were, but all six of the young people were either homeshooled or private schooled.
I am looking forward to finding out more about these kids. I would not have guessed by looking at them that they believed in courting or homeschooling, but that goes to show (again!) that you really can't always judge a book by it's cover. The daughter-in-law especially struck me as having what the Bible called 'an excellent spirit' - gentle, kind and friendly, honest, open, meek, and cheerful.

I must admit, I have no idea what their music is like - I pray the Lord will be glorified.

I'm fixing to head on over to the church to help finish up the last-minute stuff.
Please continue praying.

Oh! One more thing before I go: the high school was supposed to have a parade Saturday and anyone in the high school band HAS to be in it (supposedly. *rolls eyes* Dumb Mardi-Gras! Anyway...). That means ALOT of our youth group, would miss a big part of D-Now tomorrow, to have to be in the parade!
A 70% chance of rain had been predicted, and Bro. Mike said Wednesday night that he was praying it would rain so the parade would be canceled. We started praying too, and ( :D ) yesterday evening when we were there at the church working, he told us that it HAD BEEN canceled! Praise the Lord!

Ok, I'm gone for real now ;) .

{Note to Uncle Alvin's girls: Please forgive the lack of a recent e-mail! I AM working on it, just with school, and work, and the grandparents, and church, and and and... *sigh*
Maybe you can gather at least some of the news from here. :/
P.S. Y'all let me know what you want your names to be on here - preferably something that matches your initials, since you've already left comments with them. You need something more than 'Uncle Alvin's two youngest daughters' as a title ;D !
P.S.2. Please pray for this D-Now thing!
Love y'all!}


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