
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Friday, September 20, 2013

At Last, My Nikon DSLR

Two weeks ago, I was doing my banking and budgeting and all that boring, stressful, but necessary stuff, and discovered that I had money in my savings account that I'd set aside towards the purchase of my 'dream camera'. I'd completely forgotten about it! It wasn't much, but I decided to check eBay and Amazon and see if I could possibly find the camera for the amount I had saved. What do you know? I found the camera body I wanted (Nikon D3000 10.2 MP Digital SLR), factory refurbished (which, for all practical purposes, is the same as brand new), for $70 less than the amount I'd saved. That will go towards my first lens!
So, this past Saturday (Sept. 14) I put in the order and began to watch the mail. Tuesday (Sept. 17) it came!
The photo below was taken with The Grandmother's camera, when I first took mine out of the packaging.

The rest are SOOC shots with mine. Mine! My Nikon!! I can hardly believe it even now!
We had some dear friends visiting us, one of whom is pursuing photography, and she loaned me one of her lenses to 'play' with while they were here. I need practice, and these photos desperately need some editing, but I just wanted to record a sample of my first day with my new camera.

The first photo taken with "Frank" (Yes, I named my camera. Don't laugh.):

I didn't realize it was set to flash, so the result was less than what I would have liked to display as 'my first photo'. But it's a learning process, and after a few tips from my photographer friend, and a good bit of practice and playing around on my own, they began to look a little better.

My sandals:

A re-try of the first one (much closer to what I had been going for):

The Grandmother's hands playing her mother's piano:

Sleep-over mess:

Trissy trying a hairstyle on one of the girls:

I took a good bit more, but am not going to post all of them! Now our guests have gone, and I feel slightly handicapped again - I cannot take pictures without a lens, and the cheapest of the ones I'm wanting is at least $150. So it will be a while probably... My photographer friend kindly offered to loan me her spare lens, but I decided I'd better just wait for my own.
But when I do get it, I'm afraid my family and friends will think I've turned into the paparazzi.

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