
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Singing in the Rain - Blog Party

Ok, if I've ever entered a blog party, I don't remember it (hmm, that's what the 'previous posts' list is for...). Anyway, the questions in this one looked like so much fun for the most part, so I decided to join in! I've seen on some blogs, when they fill out the questions, they put pictures in there too. "A picture is worth a thousand words" is so true! I'm going to try to include pictures with as many of these questions as I can ;) !

Here are the questions:

1. What has been your favorite part of summer so far?

Going barefoot without my toes freezing off!


2. What is your favorite part of autumn?

Wow. Hard question. I just love all of it! I love the leaves, the spice in the air, the cooler freshness of the days, my birthday, Thanksgiving, harvest time, everything!


3. Raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens?

Aww, I like kittens! But I love rain!!


4. Describe your dream house.

As you can see from the pictures below, my tastes are pretty varied... All of these have elements I love; and all of them lack elements I'd want. I don't think I actually have a dream house. I could see myself loving each of these equally, and others also.


5. What's your favorite movie?

Slightly easier question ;) ! But still hard to narrow down to one. These are my top three favorites in order.


6. Quote something from the book you most recently read:

I'll have to check, and get back to you on that one.


7. What do you like/not like about my blog?

Actually, I've only visited once that I know of, and that was when I entered this party today (which is quite fun so far, by the way). But I have enjoyed what I've read and seen. You seem to be a sweet, sincere young girl, seeking to live pleasing Christ. I am always encouraged to learn of another young person who is choosing to not conform to the world, and instead take the sometimes-rocky road of following Jesus instead! As time permits me, I will be sure and keep up with you! Your blog is beautifully designed also. My only suggestion so far is that I didn't see a place to follow or subscribe to it. Maybe that would be a handy addition - it would allow people to keep up with you easier, and would probably increase the number of readers you have.

Singing in the Rain


8. Rain or shine?



9. The worst grammatical mistake, in your opinion:

Hmm, don't even get me started... I'm in college, and half (probably more) of the students here don't even know how to spell, much less use correct grammar. Irritating.


10. If you had a choice, would you want to live: in the mountains, in a rainforest, on a prairie, or by the beach?

*Smile* Mountains.


11. What character from a book would you say you are most like?

Dan, from Little Men.


12. Be constantly talking the rest of your life or not be able to communicate in any way for the rest of your life?

Umm, can I skip this question? I know I wouldn't want to not be able to communicate, but talking all the time would be such a pain... For me and for those around me!


13. Owl City or Switchfoot?

Don't know what those are... Remembering maybe Switchfoot is a band? Don't like what I know of them...


14. Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez?



15. Your pet peeve?

Hypocrites. Especially "Christian" ones. Uuuhhh..... !


16. What's your favorite font?

Probably Zapfino or Old English.


17. How are you educated? (i.e. homeschooled, public schooled, private schooled)

I was homeschooled until I started college. Thanks Dad and Mom!


18. Do you consider yourself tomboy-ish or feminine?

Tomboy for sure!

19. What's your favorite song?

"Sitting at the Feet of Jesus" - hymn (Tune: J. W. Davis - Words: Rev. K. C. Minter)

"Be Thou My Vision" - hymn (Tune: 'Slane', an Irish folk song - Words: attributed to Dallán Forgaill)

"Revelation Song" - new (Philips, Craig, and Dean)

"I'll Praise You In This Storm" - new (Casting Crowns)


20. Did you enjoy answering these questions?

Yes, I really did.

{All images from Photobucket, except for Norman Rockwell tomboy painting, and Singing In The Rain blog button}

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