
All names on this blog (except for other Bloggers' names) have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals. However, each pseudonym has been chosen with care, and reflects in some way or with some meaning the character/personality of each individual.


"With God, all things are possible."


Monday, August 29, 2011


It's time the church had a name.

In my musings and chronicling of my life that I record on this blog, I have carefully tried to protect the privacy and identity of the people and places I talk about. I have chosen, with care, the names the characters in this little 'story of my life' are known by. One of the most frequently mentioned entities however, has, up until now, not had a name of it's own in my records. That is the church. The church that first caused me to start this blog - to record the lessons I learn there, the relationships I form there, the challenges I face there, and the encouragements I gain there.

It's time I had something to call it other than "the church", "my church", or "our church" (depending on the context I'm writing from at the moment). "The church" could be too broad, since those words (as a term) are often used to speak of the Church as a whole - Christ's Bride, the body of believers.
"My church" is technically incorrect, as is "our church", because even though I'm only using the terms to denote the local church I am a member in, "my" or "our" expresses ownership, and I do not feel comfortable doing that. The church is not 'mine' or 'ours'. It is His - it is Christ's!

So the church needs a specific name that I will call it by here on this blog, and I believe I have a fitting one for it.

From now on when I speak of the church I attend and love so much, I will be referring to it as Victory Road.

There are several reasons I have chosen this name. Some people who read this may even be able to recognize a few of them.
The Lord has used this place as a change in my life's road. I have encountered certain types of bumps and curves that had never been in the pathway of my former travels. Hard, rough, and painful places. I have also encountered some of the most sheltered, tree-lined avenues of dappled sunshine I have ever been through. Beautiful places where the Lord's presence is so real beside me that at times I almost felt I could reach out and He would physically put His arm around my shoulders.

I am thankful beyond expression that He chose to take me down this Victory Road. I pray I may learn the lesson behind every hard rock in the way, and that I may soak up, treasure, and share the smooth soft places full of Glory.

Note: It follows that the Christian Academy will now be "Victory Road Christian Academy" or "VRCA" in the post labels.
Also, as time permits, I will probably go through all the other posts I have done about the church, and change the name.

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